minecraft:dark_oak_door 深色橡木门 minecraft:chorus_fruit 紫影果 minecraft:popped_chorus_fruit 爆裂紫影果 minecraft:beetroot 甜菜根 minecraft:beetroot_seeds 甜菜种子 minecraft:beetroot_soup 甜菜汤 minecraft:dragon_breath 龙息 minecraft:splash_potion 喷溅药水 minecraft:spectral_arrow 光灵箭 minecraft:tipped_...
ender plant 末影植物 chorus flower 紫颂果 stained glass 染色玻璃 chorus fruit 紫颂果 popped vhorus fruit 爆裂紫颂果 armor dtand 盔甲展示架 地板机关怎么制作 如何在我的世界手游将自己家中的箱子隐藏起来不被其他玩家发现,这里说的可不是将箱子锁起来之类的那么简单粗暴的方法,而是教大家更高级一点的地板...
爆裂紫颂果Popped Chorus Fruit 下界合金碎片Netherite Scrap 下界合金锭Netherite Ingot 蜜脾Honeycomb 鳞甲Scute 铜锭Copper Ingot 紫水晶碎片Amethyst Shard 粗铁Raw Iron 粗铜Raw Copper 粗金Raw Gold 荧光墨囊Glow Ink Sac 下界砖Nether Brick 附魔之瓶Bottle o' Enchanting 骨粉Bone Meal- (白色染料White Dye 淡...
Chorus Flower 紫影花 Chorus Fruit 紫影果 Chorus Plant 紫影植物 Chorus Tree 紫影树 Dragon Head 龙首 Dragon's Breath 龙息 Elytra 滑翔翅 End City 末地城 End Gateway (Portal) 末地折跃门 End Rod 末地烛 End Ship 末地船 End Stone Brick 末地石砖 Frost Walker 冰霜行者 Frosted Ice...
Chorus Plant(minecraft:chorus_plant) 200 Chorus Flower(minecraft:chorus_flower) 201 Purpur Block(minecraft:purpur_block) 202 Purpur Pillar(minecraft:purpur_pillar) 203 Purpur Stairs(minecraft:purpur_stairs) 204 Purpur Double Slab(minecraft:purpur_double_slab) 205 Purpur Slab(minecraft:purpur_slab) 206...
crossbowQuickCharge = 快速装填 curse_binding = 绑定诅咒 curse_vanishing = 消失诅咒 damage_all = 锋利 damage_arthropods = 节肢杀手 damage_undead = 亡灵杀手 digging = 效率 durability = 耐久 fire = 火焰附加 fishingSpeed = 饵钓 frostwalker = 冰霜行者 ...
569 chorus_fruit 240 chorus_plant 82 clay 388 clay_ball -465 client_request_placeholder_block 397 clock -1019 closed_eyeblossom 304 coal 173 coal_block 16 coal_ore 699 coast_armor_trim_smithing_template -379 cobbled_deepslate -396 cobbled_deepslate_double_slab -380 cobbled...
chorusfruit紫颂果 poppedvhorusfruit爆裂紫颂果 beacons信标 -newltems新项目 endereye末影之眼 手游亮点 你的行为会导致后续剧情的发生,在超大的世界里面来进行探索,还能与好友并肩作战。 游戏的核心玩法可以整体分为建设与破坏,能够利用资源去创造,也能去破坏城市。
紫颂果 subtitles.item.chorus_fruit.teleport 玩家:传送 弩 subtitles.item.crossbow.charge 弩:蓄力 subtitles.item.crossbow.hit 箭:击中 subtitles.item.crossbow.load 弩:装填 subtitles.item.crossbow.shoot 弩:发射 染料 subtitles.item.dye.use 染料:染色 火焰弹 subtitles.item.firecharge.use 火焰弹...
On Outer islands, players can find a new plant called the Chorus Plant. If a player eats the Chorus fruit of this plant, he will be moved to some random place. In the center of Main Island, you can find dragon eggs. Players can use them only as a decoration. ...