演示版本:基岩WIN版1.20.12.01 演示机型:联想Y9000X 模组视频同款光追资源:BV1Sj411V7gv 模组视频同款GUI资源:BV1b14y1S7Eo 视频同款舒适细致资源:BV1pG411F7Pk 1:模组包名:我的修真界V1.2.8 2:是否使用player.json:否(即与其他插件兼容) 3:模组介绍: 我的修真界v1.2.8 主要更新内容如下: (1)、新增御...
演示版本:基岩版(Windows): 演示机型:联想Y9000X(3060) 1:模组名称:彼岸-幻梦V4.2.9 2:模组作者:@钛宇-星光阁 3:模组介绍:真诚期待基岩版的模组社区,可以逐步向java版看齐,特此展开基岩版基岩研究计划 4:支持版本:1.21.X 5:更新时间:2024年7月4日 6:模组下载[持续更新中]:https://wwf.lanzout...
Pixelmon Reforged | PokeRivals supports Minecraft version: 1.17.1.Keep in mind that many Minecraft servers might allow players to use older or newer versions, so we invite you to check on their Discord server or Website for more information on version compatibility. Where is the Pixelmon Refor...
21249 The PokéBag will now be able to hold any item that is not defined in the pokebag_blacklist tag, which is located at data/pixelmon/tags/items/pokebag_blacklist.json. Reduced the speed at which Pokémon ascend and descend while riding them underwater by a third. 21370 Changed what...
本吧热帖: 1-mega 2-求MEGA神奇宝贝服OP Z神100%完全体(基格尔德)代码 3-异元之域1.7.10|神奇宝贝|新服|NPC|时装|查个体 4-【Pixelmon资源帖】Pixelmon4.3.1 and 5.0.1 5-【醒目】神奇宝贝MOD 指令 和体型 6-请问太晶爆发卡带如何获得 7-我的世界宝可梦1.16版本百变怪孵蛋
PokeLeague 9.1.11e BykMaddy ReleaseR Jul 1, 2024 2.91 MB 1.0K 1.16.5 Forge File Name PokeLeague 9.1.11e.zip Supported Versions 1.16.5 Changelog Additional Files Related Projects File has no changelogCurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers alike.Download the...
PokeMC is a Pixelmon Minecraft community server. Currently we run Minecraft 1.16.5 and Pixelmon Reforged 9.1.10. Learn how to install Pixelmon with a Pixelmon Reforged install guide.
PokeMC is a Pixelmon Minecraft community server. Currently we run Minecraft 1.16.5 and Pixelmon Reforged 9.1.10. Learn how to install Pixelmon with a Pixelmon Reforged install guide.
A Pixelmon Pokedex at your fingertips! Each entry tracks: - Monster type (e.g. flying, electric, fire, normal etc.) - Spawn times - Spawn locations - Levels in the wild - Drops (such as redstone, gold ingots etc.) - EV Yield ...
本吧热帖: 1-萌新求个问 2-开兰宝可梦1.16.5 3-有没有一起玩最新神奇宝贝模组的! 4-宝可梦服 超级好玩 开荒 (解决一切宝可梦问题) 5-重铸9.2.8更新日志 6-[找东西戳这里]Pixelmon相关资源及官网 7-有关NPC聊天信息英文 8-1.20.1战斗错误,获得不了经验啊 9-求助宝可梦