1.1.0 Release R 1.17.1 Fabric Aug 18, 2021 Members MaxiHuHe04LiveOwner Report
BlockPistonComponent BlockRecordPlayerComponent BlockSignComponent BlockStates BlockStateType BlockType BlockTypes BlockVolume BlockVolumeBase ButtonPushAfterEvent ButtonPushAfterEventSignal Camera ClientSystemInfo CommandResult Component Container ContainerSlot DataDrivenEntityTriggerAfterEvent DataDrivenEntityTriggerAfter...
Fixed an issue where a Piston could become invisible in rare cases 修复了活塞极小概率可能不可见的问题 Woodland Mansion's entrance now uses Cobblestone Slabs (MCPE-169038) 将林地府邸入口处的台阶更改为圆石质(MCPE-169038) Iron Bars and Glass Panes now can connect to Pistons (MCPE-64745) 现在铁...
BlockPistonComponent BlockRecordPlayerComponent BlockSignComponent BlockStates BlockStateType BlockType BlockTypes BlockVolume BlockVolumeBase ButtonPushAfterEvent ButtonPushAfterEventSignal Camera ClientSystemInfo CommandResult Component Container ContainerSlot DataDrivenEntityTriggerAfterEvent DataDrivenEntityTriggerAfter...
Piston Push Reaction ✔️ Gravity ✔️ Respawn Eligiblity ✔️ Moved to BlockState in 1.20. Tool Require For Drops ✔️ Large Collision Shape ✔️ Collision Shape Full Block ✔️ Occlusion ✔️ Hitbox ✔️ Collision Hitbox ✔️ Interaction Hitbox ✔️...
Returns(arg:PistonActivateAfterEvent) =>void Notes: This function can't be called in read-only mode. Examples pistonAfterEvent.ts TypeScript複製 import{ world, system, BlockPermutation, BlockPistonState, PistonActivateAfterEvent, DimensionLocation }from"@minecraft/server";import{ MinecraftBlockTypes ...
pushable": {"is_pushable":true,"is_pushable_by_piston":true},"minecraft:conditional_bandwidth_optimization": {"default_values": {"max_optimized_distance":60.0,"max_dropped_ticks":20,"use_motion_prediction_hints":true},"conditional_values": [ {"max_optimized_distance":0.0,"max_dropped_...
maxPushTimes: Sets a limit on the number of times entities can be pushed per tick, with-1indicating this limit is disabled by default. Adjust carefully to avoid negatively impacting gameplay. unlimitedPlayerPush: No longer limit the pushes related to players, and it is only effect when themax...
piston: block-push-limit: 12 powered-rail: activation-range: 8 spawner: deactivate-by-redstone: false fix-mc-238526: false slab: break-individual-slabs-when-sneaking: false sponge: absorption: area: 64 radius: 6 absorbs-lava: false turtle_egg: break-from-exp-orbs: ...
This design uses a sticky piston water gate to control the amount of animals to be cooked. They drop through a "lava blade", which enables their meat to be cooked efficiently. That this does not work on chickens and rabbits. Simple and easy cooked meat farm...