Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a Pillager? This mod embraces the life of crime, by allowing you to become a raid hero and help the pillagers take control over a village. While this is a controversial concept, it's still an interesting feature to explore! Becoming a raid...
Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a Pillager? This mod embraces the life of crime, by allowing you to become a raid hero and help the pillagers take control over a village. While this is a controversial concept, it's still an interesting feature to explore! Becoming a raid...
有没有那种可以预设npc装备的高版本模组,我想给警卫村民装备枪械,但是一个一个地打开背包再放很麻烦,谢谢吧友 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2025-01-20 21:01回复 hvdykt 地下要塞 9 早就有人做过类似的mod了,比如掠夺者的枪Pillager's Gun网页链接 来自Android客户端2楼2025-01-20 23:37 回复 ...
Savage & Ravage is a mod that updates the Pillagers of Minecraft to expand the challenges and difficulty they pose as well as adds several new creeper features and overall random enemy encounter upgrades. The Pillager Outposts have been fully redesigned and the Pillagers themselves are a bit more...
相关指令: 给掠夺者换头盔指令:/item replace entity @e[type=pillager armor.head with military_armor_mod:graymilitaryarmor_helmet 1 给掠夺者换胸甲指令:/item replace entity @e[type=pillager armor.chest with military_armor_mod:graymilitaryarmor_chestplate 1 给掠夺者换护腿指令:/item replace entity @...
The Battle of Pillager, Illager and Villager use ww2 weapon too fight! Some Mobs use kar, m4a1, heavy machine gun, and also mortar!Most of cool things,they are will like Battle Royal Games.This is why we call this addon, The Battle of Pillager. The Battle of Pillager, an collaboration...
(apart the pillager capitan is a pain in the you kn what since he has the same aimbot than skeletons) the spawn like a lot and idk if its bc the new version and trial chambers but when killing the pillager capitan it doesnt give the effect, anyways, its a pretty cool mod. Please ...
↑"Just posting this here so you don't think we nicked the idea from the community: There is a "Pillager" illager on our planned TODO list. It's not going to be a pirate, though." – u/jeb_,2017年3月27日 ↑"Other ones we considered: ...
Raider Sword 5 Deals extra damage to all raid/illager/pillager mobs Uncommon Cannot be equipped with other damage enchantments Toxic Strike Sword 2 Target is poisoned when hit Rare Cannot be equipped with fire aspect, frostbite, levitation Hiker Boots 1 Allows you to step up one high blocks wit...
Pillager Outpost: Sentry Armor Trim 掠夺者前哨站:哨兵盔甲纹饰 Desert Pyramid: Dune Armor Trim 沙漠神殿:沙丘盔甲纹饰 Shipwreck: Coast Armor Trim 沉船:沙滩盔甲纹饰 Jungle Temple: Wild Armor Trim 丛林神庙:荒野盔甲纹饰 Ocean Monument: Tide Armor Trim 海底神殿:潮汐盔甲纹饰 Ancient City: Ward and Silen...