How To Breed Pigs In Minecraft (Pig Breeding Tutorial) Minecraft Color Codes & Format Codes How To Breed Cows In Minecraft How To Breed Sheep In Minecraft How To Breed Chickens In Minecraft How To Fly In Minecraft (Creative Mode) How To Breed Turtles In Minecraft ...
Minecraft Java版预发布版 Another pre-release is now available for Minecraft: Java Edition! This pre-release fixes a bunch of bugs, but we also made a few minor tweaks. The Nether Update is closing in and we aim to release the update within a couple of weeks. 我们现在发布了新的Java预发...
–Variants of a pig now belong to the same animal, no more separate spawn eggs for each of them!–Pigs can now breed with all kinds of fruits and vegetables from the addon!–New requirements for breeding pigs is now at least 9 mud carpets must be present within 12 range for pigs!–...
Made Nether Fortresses slightly more common 下界要塞现在稍微常见了一点点 Food can now be placed on unlit campfires 你现在可以在未点燃的篝火上放食物了 Visibility under lava is now slightly better when under the effect of fire resistance
Minecraft Java版预发布版 Another pre-release is now available for Minecraft: Java Edition! This pre-release fixes a bunch of bugs, but we also made a few minor tweaks. The Nether Update is closing in and we aim to release the update within a couple of weeks. 我们现在发布了新的Java预发...