玩得时间久了,看到Minecraft中的默认角色时,我们会产生一种视觉疲劳感。如果你也有这样的感觉,那是时候做出来改变了,改变了角色的身体比例之后,游戏的过程会变得更加有趣,毕竟有时候我们不能随波逐流。 看到Minecraft中的史蒂夫和alex,一种强大的感觉油然而生,像徒手切西瓜、一拳戴斯末影人这样的操作,在我的世界...
Minecraft/The Secret World of Alex Mack Minecraft/The Secret World of Arrietty Minecraft/The Seniors (1978) Minecraft/The Seven Year Itch (1955) Minecraft/The Seventh Sign (1988) Minecraft/The Sexy Brutale (2017 Game) Minecraft/The Shining (1980) Minecraft/The Shoes of the Fisherman (1968) Mi...
站在游戏本身的角度来说,史蒂夫是Minecraft中的元老级角色,从一开始就出现在了地图之中。alex是在我的世界1.8中才加入的角色,可能是觉得游戏中只有男性角色,会在一定程度上限制玩家的角色选择,所以才有了alex的出现。不过对于alex参照jeb制作的梗,小伟子不得不佩服Mojang制作人员的脑洞。 获得远古残骸的妙招 上线远古...
1、Hot alex!把爱丽克斯放到熔炉上烧炼,输出一只性感版的血气上涌的爱丽克斯。伤害、速度、跳跃等基础能力是普通Alex的两倍。所有男性生物对玩家伤害减半,在游玩《我的世界》时,可以获得双倍快乐。 2、软剑;这是一种神奇的钻石剑,剑头在正常的情况下是软的,可以非直线型攻击到超过180度范围之外的生物。这种剑耐久...
Princess Sally Acorn (Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog) Breezie Professor Caninestein Professor Von Schlemmer Robotnik Jr. Sergeant Doberman Zero the Jackal Buddy the Wolf Shijin Warriors Dulcy the Dragon Jian the Tiger Cinder the Pheasant Bunker the Tortoise Aeon the Hedgehog Alex the Fox Ohma the...
Here’s the official synopsis for A Minecraft Movie courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures:“Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity doesn’t just help you craft, it’s essential to one’s survival! Four misfits—Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison (Momoa), Henry (Hansen), Natalie....
Alex 15) How tall is one block (In pixels)? 64 8 10 56 42 16) How many blocks wide is the normal spider? 2 1 3 17) What mob was born from a coding bug? Creeper Pig Zombiepig man Zombie Skeleton 18) What mob can you trade with?
— Alex Cioboiu Above and Beyond! Above and Beyond! I accidentally stumbled across this website when searching for inspiration to create my own Discord banner, but as soon as I saw the “Energy” template I knew that that was exactly what I needed. It was delivered within the promised 24...
वॉचलिस्ट 8.9Animation vs. Minecraft Shorts वॉचलिस्ट Minecraft: The movie 2 वॉचलिस्ट 8.6The Minecraft Life of Alex and Steve वॉचलिस्ट 7.9Lego Minecraft Movie वॉचलिस्ट क...