Forge - Physics Mod 3.0.25 NeoForge - Physics Mod 3.0.24 Minecraft 1.21.2-Minecraft 1.21.3 Fabric - Physics Mod 3.0.21 Forge - Physics Mod 3.0.21 NeoForge - Physics Mod 3.0.21 Minecraft 1.20.5 - 1.20.6 Fabric - Physics Mod 3.0.14 ...
physics-mod-3.0.25-mc-1.21.4-forge.jar Supported Versions 1.21.4 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects Forge implementation "curse.maven:physics-mod-442735:5993458" Copy to clipboard Curse Maven does not yet support mods that have disabled...
Available for Minecraft 1.21.x, 1.20.x, 1.19.x, Minecraft 1.18.2, Minecraft 1.17.1 and Minecraft 1.16.5 (Fabric + Forge + NeoForge). You can get access to the Pro version of the Physics Mod over on Patreon or Ko-Fi,any support to keep developing new features is much appreciated:http...
Forge Sep 13, 2023 Release R 1.19.3 Quilt Fabric + 1 Sep 13, 2023 Members haubnaOwner Are you bored of floating items? Try item physics! Gravity? Moon? Mars? Pluto? Earth? Change it to whatever you want! Do you want to bring your PC to its limit? See how long it will last wit...
物理碎裂(Physics)mod让生物与方块在死亡与被摧毁时变成碎块,这很好理解。你可以完全自定义其各类数值,启用或禁用部分功能来使你的电脑运行效果更好。 作者给出的视频链接:youtube视频。 安装 下载相应的模组(forge或Fabric),并放在mods文件夹中。如果你想要更好的性能,作者很建议去用Fabric版本和钠模组(可提高很多...
Physics Mod,它为生物和方块增加了物理特性。就这么简单。您可以完全自定义物理量,并禁用或启用它的某些部分,以便更好地在低端计算机/笔记本电脑上的性能。安装下载相应的模组(forge或Fabric),并放在mods文件夹中。如果你想要更好的性能,我建议去用Fabric版本和钠模
控制:通过 Mod Menu 进入并配置 下载: Elytra Physics-鞘翅动画 简介:让鞘翅更符合现实物理学,比如走动的时候会飘起 控制:无
Physics Mod The Physics Mod is a ridiculously fun way to experience the way blocks and mobs behave once they’ve been broken or killed. Blocks will break apart into several chunks before disappearing. You’ll still be able to collect the standard block drops as normal but this mod makes ...
│ CraftTweaker-forge-1.20.1-14.0.26.jar │ CreativeCore_FORGE_v2.11.23_mc1.20.1.jar │ CroptopiaDelight-1.20.1_1.2.2-forge.jar │ CTE2ModpackArmors-1.0.3.jar │ cte_essentials-1.0.5.jar │ cupboard-1.20.1-2.3.jar │ curios-forge-5.7.0+1.20.1.jar ...
However, the Physics Mod for Forge and Fabric is a must have for anyone wanting to enjoy this type of gameplay. This introduces a wide variety of mechanisms to Minecraft, such as broken blocks being accurately displayed and mobs having ragdoll effects. These and other features can be ...