小编这里选用苦力怕头像作为材质包的图片,注意命名“pack.png”3、pack.mcmeta配置文件:鼠标右键,新建一个文本文档,然后将下面这段文字复制其中。修改文件名为“pack.mcmeta”。 {"pack": {"pack_format": 4,"description": "DIY Records Songs"}} 4、文件与路径:将已经转码好的“嘴巴嘟嘟”音乐改名为“11....
下面附上名为"pack.mcmeta"材质包介绍的模板。{ "pack": { "pack_format":, "description": "" }} 8 当材质包有了封面和介绍,游戏中便可以使用。显示如下图。注意事项 材质包中,所有图片的格式均为png。如果不放入材质,或材质的文件名不正确,那么游戏中使用的就是.minecraft\versions\1.11(MC的版本...
"pack":{ "pack_format":1, "description":"2" } } 了解JSON格式的人已经知道了这个是一个JSON文件 我们需要把这个代码中的“1”,“2”替换掉 pack_format 后面的数字“1”用于表示资源包的版本,这里的版本不是你决定的版本,而是根据Minecraft版本决定的。在加载资源包时,如果资源包版本和游戏版本不匹配,就...
bandit_towers_treasure.json → C:\Users\pc\AppData\Local\Temp\5f0c7bab-0e77-4dff-9b54-6a0981ce2fb7_PCL 正式版 2.9.1.zip.PCL 正式版 2.9.1.zip\.minecraft\versions\duel of the end_2.2.3\config\paxi\datapacks\StellarisCraft\data\dungeons_arise\loot_tables\chests\bandit_towers\bandit_...
Converts Minecraft resource packs between versions (Bedrock and Java) - TheAlienDoctor/minecraft-resource-pack-converter
Resource Pack JSON Files Molang Default Minecraft Listings Raw Message JSON Version Disambiguation Best Practices & Tips Contribute 閱讀英文 儲存 新增至集合 新增至計劃 共用方式為 Facebookx.comLinkedIn電子郵件 列印 @minecraft/serverModule 發行項
Available Versions Enumerations Show 4 more The@minecraft/server-gametestmodule provides scriptable APIs for scaffolding and testing content experiences in Minecraft. Caution This module is still in pre-release. It may change or it may be removed in future releases. ...
The item must have a format version of at least 1.19.80 现在在 1.19.80 及以上版本的 JSON 格式中拥有 minecraft:entity_placer 物品组件的物品可以在刷怪笼上使用以改变其活动对象的生成类型 Removed the non-functional 'on_repaired' parameter from the 'minecraft:repairable' item component 移除了 ...
Forge/modpack for Minecraft1.16 and beforecrashes on boot Either update Forge to the latest version, or downgrade Java to build 320 or before Minecraft1.5.2 and beforehas inverted colors and stuttering On Minecraft 1.4.7-1.5.2, enable Fullscreen mode from the game'sOptions>Video Settings. ...
Format Versions 顯示其他 12 個 You can add new entity types to Minecraft: Bedrock Edition using a behavior pack and a resource pack. As you learned from the recommended tutorials, the behavior of entity types can be changed with a behavior pack and you can change the appearance with a resou...