who want to experience every origin out there, when you die in hardcore your world is gone.. so it forces you to try your best this keeps it fun and refreshing. In the meantime you can play a lot of origins everytime you die or make/find a orb of origins you can play a diffrent...
If you became a vampire through Origins, you can only become human again through Origins (e.g. with the Orb of Origin or the /origin command), and the process is only complete after you die. If you became a vampire through Bewitchment, you can only become human again through Bewitchment...
(e.g. with the orb of origin or the /origin command), and the process is only complete after you die. if you became a vampire with the injector, you can deconvert with an empty injector and a weakness potion. community translations: zh_cn by wuzgxy & tusama haema was originally ...
play-sound-when-too-fast: true sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP # Recommended to leave false if you dont experience any issues. teleport-instead-of-canceling-movement: false Global-Settings: # Global settings. If nothing else is enabled, this will be used for all environments. enable: true...
Experience the complete story of Minecraft Dungeons from the beginning to the End. Discover untold treasures as you follow the story of the Arch-Illager and the Orb of Dominance. This is your chance to pick up the complete Minecraft Dungeons experience, so get your copy now!
Yellow continues to explore the dimension until he sees a giant altar with an Orb that is the result from where objects and random creatures spawn. Yellow grabs the Orb and discovers that when controlled, it can spawn anything the user wants like golden apples, a cat, a rabbit on top of...
代码示例来源:origin: P3pp3rF1y/AncientWarfare2 @Override public void onBlockBroken() { if (world.isRemote) { return; } int xp = settings.getXpToDrop(); while (xp > 0) { int j = EntityXPOrb.getXPSplit(xp); xp -= j; this.world.spawnEntity(new EntityXPOrb(this.world, this.pos...
TE+ adds a new enchanting ecosystem with new mechanincs and features with over 50+ new enchantments. It's content can be expanded via Addons and Complements - Download the Minecraft Mod Technical Enchant+ by Frektip on Modrinth
world.spawnEntity(newEntityXPOrb(world,pos.getX()+0.5,pos.getY()+0.5,pos.getZ()+0.5,getXPBoost(xp,level))); } } } 代码示例来源:origin: PrinceOfAmber/Cyclic @SubscribeEvent(priority=EventPriority.LOWEST) publicvoidonBreakEvent(BreakEventevent){ ...
entity.world.spawnEntity(newEntityXPOrb(entity.world,entity.posX,entity.posY+0.5D,entity.posZ,encInsight+entity.world.rand.nextInt(1+encInsight*3))); } } if(!CoreProps.enableLivingEntityDeathMessages||entity.world.isRemote||!(entityinstanceofEntityLiving)||!event.getEntityLiving().hasCustomNa...