我的世界随机附魔(Random Enchants)Mod 随机魔法剂1.16.5/1.15.2是一个有用的魔法和诅咒的集合。建议使用任何新的方法。建议使用麻醉剂+或其他模式,允许选择麻醉剂,因为列表很大,并会挤满香草的。 特点: 法术: 一切 在外出的时候太阳能慢慢修复。 弓只 回到室——有机会打击敌人的返回箭头回到库存,每5级水平20%...
Random Enchants is a Minecraft mod that features a collection of different kinds of enchantments and curses that add quite a bit of depth to the Minecraft experience. This is a Minecraft mod that’s built for players who aren’t really fond of the way some tools and weapons operate in the...
while it might not have exploded in popularity like a lot of exceptional mods do when they’re noticed by the community, it’s still a mod that features a pretty solid design and can enhance your gameplay experience quite a bit. As the name suggests, the Ma Enchants mod draws inspiration...
开启后即使不附魔也发光支持绝大部分mod的附魔。与原版一样,最高32767级这些是属性NBT标签,原版需要打很长时间。自行wiki背包编辑器对一些物品有特殊的修改内容附魔书:Biik Enchants:书上的附魔,但是即使你设置为锋利X,用铁砧锻造后依然为锋利V与修改物品附魔的界面没啥区别 7楼2016-06-17 22:34 收起回复 ...
2. 更多附魔[More Enchants]: ---单纯的为了应对高难度[非欧鉴定][有助于更好的逃跑]针对了许多生物的伤害增强,不单单是亡灵,节肢杀手,以及更多有趣的附魔。高难度的生存必须拥有更加牛x的自己才能应对。3. 植物魔法[Botania]+额外植物学[ExtraBotany]: ---自动化的福音,科技创造美好未来个人非常喜欢的mod,也...
Ma Enchants Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4 for Minecraft. First of all, the introduction of this tool can be explained in words but the utility is something that can not be described easily. Additionally, this modification helps a great deal to add enchantments in the items and make them stronger....
B:"Enchanting: Auto-remove vanilla enchants"=false启用或禁用自动移除原版附魔# 如果禁用,玩家新合成的工具,敌人掉落的工具, # 和宝箱中生成的工具均不会具有修饰 # 但不会影响已经有的修饰 B:"Enchanting: LOTR System"=true启用或禁用mod附魔系统(修饰系统)#...
/optool Enchants the item you're holding with every enchantment of level 16348. /time fix <value> Fixes the time to the set amount. /enchant <player> <id> [level] Same as the normal command but now you can enchant any item with any enchantment of any level. ...
Random Enchants is a collection of enchantments and curses that I felt would be useful additions to the base game. Suggest any new ones Recommended to use with Enchanting Plus or another mod that allows for selecting enchants as the list is large and will crowd out the vanilla ones. ...
B:"Enchanting: Auto-remove vanilla enchants"=false启用或禁用自动移除原版附魔# 如果禁用,玩家新合成的工具,敌人掉落的工具, # 和宝箱中生成的工具均不会具有修饰 # 但不会影响已经有的修饰 B:"Enchanting: LOTR System"=true启用或禁用mod附魔系统(修饰系统)#...