该资源是本人自己合并,MC为中文正式版,TU已经是最新的19,包括了几乎所有的DLC,解压后放到自制硬盘Content\0000000000000000目录底下就直接可以用的了,DLC内容参考下图(还包括DR.WHO皮肤包),希望喜欢这款游戏的XBOX基友们都可以玩得嗨皮!! 送TA礼物 1楼2014-11-20 13:25回复 ...
xbox360 m..原版发现玩久了有点单调,所以去搜集了材质包,有万圣节材质包。上古卷轴材质包。城市材质包。包含最新TU18,楼上有14的,不知道非自制系统能不能用。但是我自制系统能用。没问题。直接覆盖到connect/
Build with your imagination! Minecraft, the best-selling game on Xbox 360, is now available on Xbox One. Create and explore your very own world where the only limit is what you can imagine – just be sure to build a shelter before night comes to keep you
My daughter was into Minecraft for a while playing it on the PC version before it came out on the Xbox 360. Once it came out on the Xbox 360 we bought it and play every weekend for hours on end. It's a great way to hang out with your kids and create some amazing creations. ...
XBOX 360版的Minecraft可以本地联机。具体方法是,先用第一个手柄进游戏,进入之后,拿出第二个手柄,用那个手柄登录账号,或选择成访客,就可以分屏游戏了。具体是横竖分屏还是上下分屏可以去设置里调。这个方法无论在破解机还是正版机上都适用,当然,如果你没有第二只手柄的话,一切免谈。
TU4是Xbox 360版的一次更新,发布于2012年8月7日。修复了一些漏洞。 修复了11个漏洞 修复了活塞在世界边缘崩溃的问题。 修复了活塞引起安全问题而导致的崩溃。 修复了在区块边界上操作活塞的问题。 修复了移动活塞导致的渲染闪烁。 修复了由于光照问题导致的渲染速度降低。
TVLine Items: 1923 Adds The Chosen Alum, Invincible Trailer and More 12/10/2024 by Dave Nemetz ‘Jeopardy!’ Contestant Shares Big ‘Regret’ After Defeating Champ Dave Bond
Minecraft, one of the best-selling games on Xbox 360, is now available on Xbox One. Create and explore your very own world where the only limit is what you can imagine - just be sure to build a shelter before night comes to keep yourself safe from monsters. XBOX ONE-MINECRAFT info:...