Official Rewritten Rules The rules for the Minecraft: Java Edition leaderboards have officially been rewritten and updated. The goal of rewriting the rules was to create one, definitive place wherein all MCSR rules are stored, completely eliminating any a draconix 28 days ago Updated Legal Mods ...
-SpeedRunIGT (Ingame Timer Mod) by RedLime RedLime 2 years ago ContariaCalc by KingContaria Deleted 2 years ago CTM's AATool by CTM Deleted 2 years ago Emma [Curcuit]'s End Practice Map (1.14+) acatterz 4 years ago Emma [Curcuit]'s End Practice Map (1.16+) ...
SpeedrunAPI is a new mod that is mostly useful for mod developers. This means a lot of mods will depend on SpeedrunAPI. For users, it adds a config menu that can be used to configure mod options ingame. To reach this menu, go to "Options" > Click the Book & Quill (top right). ...
Speedrun Tutorial Youtube Playlist (RSG, SSG, +more)DKEN 4 years ago Yes any%Limeyes 34 years ago τωig's Ultimate Speedrun Practice Map:Twig_ 4 years ago Game stats Followers 42,886 Runs 23,102 Players 8,100 Latest news Official Rewritten Rules ...
Official Rewritten Rules The rules for the Minecraft: Java Edition leaderboards have officially been rewritten and updated. The goal of rewriting the rules was to create one, definitive place wherein all MCSR rules are stored, completely eliminating any a ...
1.9k Streams 13 Related 70 Stats Forums Minecraft All Advancements mod EdoTheOnlyOne 3 years ago Minecraft: Java Edition Forums EdoTheOnlyOne He/Him 3 years ago Hi, I saw in most "all advancements" speedruns that they have a mod that tells them what advancements they completed and what th...
New Speedrun Category? Enchanted golden apple IsaacHQ4 years ago Minecraft: Java Edition Forums IsaacHQ4 years ago I was streaming speedruns when I got an enchanted golden apple in about 10 seconds. I looked for the category, but I could only find a normal golden apple speedrun not and encha... https://www....
Improve your speedrun times! This app is also perfect for those who want to speed run Minecraft as you will know exactly where the diamonds are when you start. You can use this app as a great xray tool to find diamonds and prank your friends while you play! Are you looking for a new...
Check outthis websiteto browse for other Minecraft Education edition add-ons. Not all mods are amazing, so we picked out this selection of the best hits. Alternatively, you can find a few mods on the official Minecraft website –Link Here!