Minecraft是一款沙盒类电子游戏,中国版官方译为《我的世界》[5],又称《当个创世神》,开创者为马库斯·泊松(Notch)。游戏现由Mojang Studios维护,隶属于微软Xbox游戏工作室。 自开创伊始到延斯·伯根斯坦(Jeb)加入并负责开发之前,Minecraft几乎全部的开发工作由Notc
level.dat, or bydrag&droppingthe level.dat file into your browser window.Level.datis a small file located in the folder of every Minecraft savegame. You can find the savegames in thesaves folderof your Minecraft installation. On Windows you can use%appdata%\.minecraft\savesto get to ...
iOS now requests Local Network access in order to find games on the local network iOS 设备现在会请求授予访问本地网络的权限,用以寻找本地网络上的游戏 Added a progress handler when loading into a world that will wait up to a total of 15 seconds for the primary player’s appearance to load ...
基岩版(Bedrock Edition,官方通常称为无副标题的Minecraft)是由Mojang Studios、Xbox Game Studios和SkyBox Labs开发的多平台版本Minecraft,基于与携带版一脉相承的游戏引擎基岩引擎。 “基岩版”一词来自基岩代码库(Bedrock codebase),指使用C++语言编写以在不支持J
You can find the savegames in the saves folder of your Minecraft installation. On Windows you can use %appdata%\.minecraft\saves to get to that folder. You should also know that a seed is always a number (up to around 20 digits). If you type in anything else (like letters), it ...
This is a Modern Warfare / Apocalyptic Addon. The purpose of making this Addon is to make Survival / PVE / PVP better. Detailful Guns Addon completely used the new 1.16.100 items API. Now you can also use this Addon normally in multiplayer games. ...
Enjoy hundreds of high-quality games on console, PC, and cloud. Dive into legendary franchises. Play together with friends. JOIN NOW What’s new with Minecraft Dungeons More Festive Features with the Fauna Faire Adventure Pass Enjoy Season 3 to the fullest with the Minecraft Dungeons Adventure ...
The Cobblemon mod brings all the Pokemon games into your Minecraft world. The Pokemon don’t have the Minecraft drawing style, but they still feel the same. You can go on adventures, capture Pokemon, or visit iconic locations like the Pokemon Center in the anime or game. The Cobblemon mod...
This could be a really cool scenario for one of your survival games. Screenshot by GameSkinny Seed: -1964302197403176142 Spawn: 50, 50 Biomes: Cherry Grove, Plains. Spawn right in the middle of a large cherry grove that is surrounded by three villages that stand at the following coordinates...
Second Chance (Forge) (by HellionGames) Selfie Cam (by SWDTeam) Server Performance - Smooth Chunk Save[Forge/Fabric] (by someaddon) ShetiPhianCore (by ShetiPhian) Shroom Dealers! (by Marwinekk256) Shutup Experimental Settings! (by Corgi_Taco) ...