Rising way into the sky above the ocean near spawn, this mountainous island is ready for you to plant your very own flag in it. With multiple biomes on its slopes, you have a variety of trees available to build with and plenty of snow up top. In fact, if you can make it to the ...
Minecraft build ideas: What to build next But what if you're more of the PvP and minigames type when it's time to jump into Minecraft with other people? Flexing Minecraft mastery isn't the same without an audience, and with countless servers out there to dive into, it's nearly ...
There are so many cool things that you can build in Minecraft. So, you might be looking for some Minecraft-building ideas. In this article, you will find 25 useful things to build in Minecraft that will make life easier in your survival world. Also, here we have covered a bunch of coo...
Here, the Hidden Castle is built on top of an island thousands of blocks away from the spawn point and atop a large ocean. Of course, you’ll have to build the island yourself, so don’t think of this castle design idea as a walk in the park. It’s best to gather your squad ...
You can build an awesome volcano that’ll wow yourMinecraftserver, red-hot magma included. You can make yours from scratch if you want, but if you start with a pre-made mountain instead, the hardest part of your work is already done. You can create yours in the middle of the ocean or...
Sure, you’re not going to find any blue ice in a desert or jungle, but you should be able to find plenty of blue ice blocks (and regular ice blocks) in cold ocean biomes. Is Packed Ice Faster than Blue Ice? Packed ice is not faster than blue ice. Blue ice has a slipperiness ...
Make sure you have a tall mast on which to fly your pirate flag and from which you can have a crow’s nest looking far out into the ocean. Having a captain’s quarters will be an added bonus. And don’t forget cannons on the sides. ...
She used to be an ocean nymph until she was cursed by Circe.Drops: Scylla Bone (used for Dragon Tooth Rod) Talos Sentient brass machine that will devastate any player foolish enough to build it.To summon the Talos, place 3x2 copper blocks and place a bronze block on top. Watch out!
Now, this is a really huge one! It stretches its walls outside the mainland into the ocean with a desert village nearby. It is fully decorated inside with furniture and all sorts of items. This castle's courtyard is massive -- with a settlement inside and enough space for you to build...
Your #1 source of Minecraft Xbox Seeds and Minecraft Build Ideas, Tanisha's Craft has all you need to get started in Minecraft right now!