方块状态(Block States)(又称为方块属性(Block Properties)[仅基岩版])是 进一步定义一个方块所需的附加数据,包括方块的外观和行为。 在基岩版中,方块也由附加值(Aux Values)(又称为元数据(Metadata))定义。附加值使用旗标格式,与方块状态基本一一对应,在命
ItemStartUseOnEvent property blockLocation: Vec3 has been changed to block: Block ItemStartUseOnEvent 属性 blockLocation: Vec3 已更改为 block: Block ItemStopUseOnEvent property blockLocation: Vec3 has been changed to block: Block ItemStopUseOnEvent 属性 blockLocation: Vec3 已更改为 block: Block...
Oak Log (minecraft:oak_log)64Java1.13 - 1.21.1 Definitions Descriptionis what the item is called and (Minecraft ID Name) is the string value that is used ingame commands. Data Value(or damage value) identifies the variation of the block if more than one type exists for the Minecraft ID...
A log or stem is a naturally occurring block found in trees or huge fungi, primarily used as a building block, and to create planks, a versatile crafting ingredient. It comes in eleven types: oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, dark oak, mangrove, cherry blossom, crimson, warped, and ...
In Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac), the block states for Dark Oak Log are: Block StateValueDefaultRequiredExampleDescription axis y Yes No [axis=y] Item is oriented vertically axis x No No [axis=x] Item is oriented East-West axis z No No [axis=z] Item is oriented North-SouthDefinition...
minecraft:netherite_block minecraft:netherrack minecraft:netherreactor minecraft:normal_stone_double_slab minecraft:normal_stone_slab minecraft:normal_stone_stairs minecraft:noteblock minecraft:oak_double_slab minecraft:oak_fence minecraft:oak_hanging_sign minecraft:oak_leaves minecraft:oak_log minecraft:oak_...
Bells that are connected to multiple blocks no longer drop when one block is broken 连接着多个...
Legacy Item ID (1.12.2 and Below) minecraft:log2 Numerical ID 162:1 Stackable Yes Max Stack Size 64 Recipes Used In Dark Oak Planks, Dark Oak Wood, Smoker, Campfire, Soul Campfire Hardness 2.0 Material Wood Diggable Yes Min / Max State IDs 88 - 90 Dark Oak Log Block States Block ...
Wood or hyphae is a block that has the log's "bark" texture on all six sides. It comes in eleven types: oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, dark oak, mangrove, cherry, pale oak, crimson, and warped. Stripped wood or stripped hyphae is a variant obtained
gradle-wrapper.properties src/main java/pwn/noobs/trouserstreak Trouser.java commands NewChunkCounter.java ViewNbtCommand.java WorldInfoCommand.java mixin InventoryScreenMixinBow.java modules AutoTitles.java BaseFinder.java BetterAutoSign.java BetterScaffold.java BlockListMineCommand....