新增切換飛行的按鍵綁定,按下此功能鍵後就會立即停止魔金飛行,或再次按下後將會啟用飛行 指令/m3print新增子選項npc_store,可打印NPC商品資訊 指令/m3print新增子選項dungeon_info,可打印地下城資訊與地下城生怪資訊 新增史詩材料時空裂片、邪術核心、律動的暗黑靈魂...
easy_npc_1.20.2-3.6.1.jar ByKaworru BetaB Dec 31, 2023 937.00 KB 144 1.20.2 Forge File Name easy_npc_1.20.2-3.6.1.jar Supported Versions 1.20.2 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects Forge implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:easy...
minecraft/mc-mods/patchouli-fabric 前置curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/somnus 【其它附属MOD】 Wood In The Ocean curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/wood-in-the-ocean Zeru's Origins curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/zeruorigins Poltergeist Origin curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/poltergiest-origin ...
Fabrci可以下载REI 【模组清单】 望远镜缩放 Spyglass Zoom 村民肤色 NPC Variety - Port 美西螈外观 Axolotl Bucket Fix 剪山羊毛 Goat Shearing 落叶 Falling Leaves (Fabric) 联轴器 Couplings 绳子音效 Loud Leads [Fabric] 腐肉肥料 Compostable Rotten Flesh (Fabric) 灵魂火 On Soul Fire 更快的梯子 Gotta ...
Minecraft的一个新 模组将游戏中的许多 NPC(称为暴徒)变成了块状的塑料乐高小人仔。 Minecraft 小怪是游戏世界中最具标志性和知名度的 NPC,粉丝们深入挖掘这些 AI 生物的知识、行为和机制,有时会发现令人惊讶的秘密。甚至还有几个可以驯服的Minecraft小怪,进一步巩固了粉丝对许多可用变体的喜爱。
MCA Reborn was first released on CurseForge in October 2021 and is owned by jahx_senpoopie, as well as authored by CDAGaming_ and Conczin. It is built upon the original Minecraft Comes Alive mod and brings its many features into the latest versions of the game. With over 1.8 million do...
MineColonies features NPC workers such as Builders, Farmers, Fishers, Foresters, Guards, Miners, Smelters, Bakers, Cooks, Couriers, five types of animal herders, Composters, and many more, with even more being developed and added as the mod grows. It also includes specialized buildings such as...
CustomNPC.jar | None | | UC | cxlibrary | 1.6.1 | cxlibrary-1.12.1-1.6.1.jar | None | | UC | ironchest | 1.12.2- | ironchest-1.12.2- | None | | UC | pixelmon | 7.2.2 | Pixelmon-1.12.2-7.2.2-universal.jar | None | | UC | pixelmoninformation ...
请问下现在自定义npc最新版本mod在哪里下载 只看楼主收藏回复 da哒哒哒i 山中矿道 7 请问下现在自定义npc最新版本mod在哪里下载 送TA礼物 回复 来自Android客户端1楼2020-08-06 18:50 贴吧用户_588RM6M 山中矿道 7 curseforge 回复 2楼2020-08-06 19:13 扫...