在基岩版中,在行为包的脚本中。 在基岩版中,在行为包的动画控制器中。 在基岩版中,在行为包的方块事件响应中。 在基岩版中,在行为包的实体事件响应中。 在Java版中,点击具有"run_command"行为的JSON文本。 在基岩版中,由连接到客户端的WebSocket服务器请求执行。 在基岩版中,通过NPC对话框执行。命令...
对于NPC内置的命令界面,有一个特有的选择器变量为@initiator,它可以选择当前与该NPC进行交互(例如打开NPC对话框、使用NPC按钮和关闭NPC对话框)的玩家。如果该选择器用于外置命令,则不会报错,但不会选择到任何玩家。 目标选择器参数可以用于进一步筛选目标,例如,@initiator[m=!1][仅基岩版]只会在执行者是与NPC进行...
对于有的 Mod 开发者来说,你应当知道 Mod Code Pack(MCP)也是由 Searge 等人发起的,而MCP使用的映射名「Srg 名」,也是为了纪念 Searge 这位巨佬下载 CraftBukkit: BukkitDev官方:http://dl.bukkit.org/ (由于Mojang EULA和DMCA的要求,已停止服务) SpigotMC官方:https://hub.spigotmc.org/jenkins/job/BuildT...
CommandNPC 插件的灵感来自于某服务器,可以添加命令到NPC上。插件允许玩家通过简单地右键NPC执行命令。需要...
See more in the Damage Command documentation. Game Directors Yes /daylock Locks and unlocks the day-night cycle. Game Directors Yes /deop Revokes operator status from a player. Admin No /dialogue Opens NPC dialogue for a player. See the page on the Dialogue documentation for more information...
falldamage – 开关高空落下伤害 firedamage – 开关火的伤害 fly – 飞行模式 *freeze – 冻结怪物 give <物品> [数量] – 给一样物品 goto <名字> – 去一个地方 grow [all] – 让立即小麦成长 h [COMMAND] – 命令列表/帮助 heal <HEALTH> – 补指定的血 health <MIN|MAX|INFINITE> – 设置生命...
CommandNPC Changelog v2.1.3 Updates the plugin to 1.19.3 Added Features/Updates: Really didn't change much. I'm aware some users have requested new features, and I'll be looking into adding those soon, really just wanted to update the pom.xml and make sure the plugin still worked. I ...
If you have any troubles or would like to let us know of bugs, issues can be created here: https://github.com/Bradydawg/CommandNPC/issuesHave a few features to suggest?Feel free to fill out this quick form! (No sign-in required!) https://forms.gle/87MXV3kxQrYLV4Vw5...
jump - Moves you from where you are to where your mouse is pointing. Note: This command is buggy and may put you in the block you move to. killnpc [all] - Kills all nearby living creatures except for yourself. l - Same as /listwaypoints ...