NetherScale:下界与主世界的比例尺。默认值为8。 NetworkVersion:网络协议版本号。用于控制联机时其余玩家是否可以加入该世界。 Platform:世界时使用何种平台保存的,值总为2。 PlatformBroadcastIntent:在平台间开放游戏,值总为3。 rainTime:下一次进入下雨或下雪天气前的剩余时间(刻)。 randomtickspeed: 随机刻速度。
included in the game files on iOS, so players no longer need to be download the music pack ...
NetherPortalFix by BlayTheNinth NetherPortalFix - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge Nightmare.Jar V1 by SwayleMC Nightmare.Jar V1 - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge Not Enough Animations by tr7zw Not Enough Animations - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
Splash texts are the yellow lines of text on the title screen. They are randomly chosen from the list below and often feature references to popular culture (e.g. websites, quotes, and video games). The splash pulsates on the title screen twice per second
Additionally, some mods have been ported to 1.12(.0). These are Atum, COSTAR, DynamicFPS, Force Port, MotioNO, Set Spawn, SpeedRunIGT, StandardSettings, TabFocus, & LegacyPlanarFog. Legacy Fabric support only exists for this version in its in-development mappings redo, so no prior Legacy ...
It introduces advanced graphical settings, such as dynamic lighting, customizable animations, and high-definition texture support. It also adds various visual effects, like fog control and shadow enhancements. OptiFine is one of the most popular Minecraft mods for a reason. It’s a must-have for...
Biome fog color smoothly blends between biomes. Smooth! Netherite A new high-level material found in the Nether. Use it to upgrade your diamond gear! How to make Netherite Mine ancient debris in the lower depths of the Nether. At your own risk though. No insurance coverage for that ...
Connected overlay texture have issues when under water About the different versions V6 should run on every minecraft version V7, V8 and V9 requires at least Optifine for 1.12 There is no in-game options in order to switch between presets because each preset has specific optimizations that can'...
This makes it possible for more types of mobs to spawn inside Nether Portals, which causes them to instantly change dimensions after spawning. Java Here you'll find all the Java changes for The Wild 1.19 update. Minecraft Technical 1.19 updates: The data pack format is now 10 The resource...
If you do not know about Nether Update, read about it here. When the Target is hit with a bow, it will emit a redstone pulse. This block lets you test your aiming skills using projectiles such as eggs, snowballs, tridents, and more! This block lets you test your aiming skills, and...