Mod compatibility: Other mods will generally work flawlessly with NoFog, modded biomes will be added automatically to the config. - Sodium Extra: The Fog toggle from Sodium Extra is disabled in favor of NoFog. - Better Nether/End:
Nether's Delight (by lumpazl) XNet (by McJty) NoFog (by Tommeh2) DataPack Anvil (by Sirttas) Forbidden and Arcanus (by cesar_zorak)
Nether Dungeons Forge 这个MOD使地狱会生成地牢,让探索地狱变得更加有趣. 通用 查看 Nether Eye Forge 添加地狱眼到游戏中,使用它来帮你找到通往地狱城堡的路. 通用 查看 Nether Star Tools Forge 增加了下界之星工具,速度和耐久都比钻石高. 通用 查看 No Creeper Explosions 防止Creeper(JJ怪)爆炸. 独立 查看 No...
useportal <normal|nether|end|PORTAL>?- 传送命令特别提示: 输入 “= 算式”可以简单的使用计算机比如: = 4 * 4更多命令帮助信息输入?/help <命令名称> helmet [ITEM] [QTY] [DAMAGE] – Specifies the helmet the player wears? ?换头盔和头盔的防御度啥的。。slippery <BLOCK> [SLIPPERYNESS] – Makes...
Ever since the Nether Update, the Piglins have seen players sneaking in and having a peek in their chests – well, no more! With 1.16.2, we’re introducing the Piglin Brute – a Piglin so focused on guarding the Bastion Remnants' chests that even gold can’t distract them. 自从下界更新...
Place:# 这里将会限制水和岩浆开始放置的地方# 这个选项不会限制领地内水和岩浆的高度Level: 63# 如果设置为true, 则会限制岩浆的高度NoLavaPlace:true# 如果设置为true, 则会限制水的高度NoWaterPlace:trueWorlds: - world BlockFall:# 如果设置为true, falling blocks will be deleted if they will land in...
The Aether mod introduces a heavenly dimension located in the sky, filled with floating islands, unique creatures, and hidden treasures. This realm is a stark contrast to the Nether, featuring bright, ethereal landscapes and challenging dungeons. ...
920 Fix nether portal handling in cubic chunks world. (commit d3232f7798ff3110a85c8a8210a4cd8109bf6bdc, by Foghrye4) 921 Fix grass growing, mushrooms and lava fire beyond vanilla height range, internal fixes for player respawn. (commit 94a839cedded1804e7ed5ad33e8bc6ece1a31916) 922 Fix...
You can fully achieve this only when using the normal version of the minimap or no minimap at all. The fair-play version of the minimap now disables world map cave mode in the Nether and you can't toggle that, so it won't be exactly like it used to be. ...
No Potion Shift: Disables the inventory shift when potion effects are active No Portal Spawning: Prevents zombie pigmen spawning from nether portals No Redstone Lighting: Disables lighting of active redstone, repeaters, and comparators to improve performance No Saddled Wandering: Stops horses wandering...