Since the requests takes a while to complete, this will cause a noticeable lag spike. This issue is being tracked in Mojira issue WEB-5587.If you want to support me and my work, consider sponsoring me on Github Sponsors. ️CurseForge...
「3.28补充」这个mod需要Player API,对于MOD API一类不明白的玩家只需要记住这个mod需要一个前置的playe...
TickCentral provides the functionality to be compatible with Mixin, and is intended to work across various Minecraft versions. I have decided to move away from Mixin because I noticed a lot of people having versioning issues with it. (One mod requiring version X, another shipping version Y, Cha...
Once loaded, a new game is started from within the chosen loader (documentation is typically provided when using the new resources from a mod may not be obvious). Notably, these mods are created by the community. Comparable to how Wikipedia grew and is now sustained, mods depend on user-...
(1.16.1) StandardSettings 2.0: Now configurable ingame with SpeedrunAPI, added a toggle to turn settings resetting off. Your old config files will no longer work with this version! (1.16.1) WorldPreview 6.0.0: Rewrote the mod for full vanilla parity in preview rendering (player, entities,...
I love every single mod and more. I would like you to your Herobrine because for younger players, it scares them and also I would like a lot more XP when you fight the ender dragon and please add an update where you can go in first person with a pumpkin on your head and the ...
A COMMAND TO DEACTIVATE ITEM KILLING PROVIDED BY THE MOD : /ItemKilling true/false please note that the folowing command will deactivate an important failsafe mecanic of this mod preventing your game from deleting items upon joining the world which is key to prevent severe lag due to the co...
Compiles and runs in 1.13.2. No config screen. May 14, 2019 gradlew.bat Compiles and runs in 1.13.2. No config screen. May 14, 2019 README License License AutoFish Forge Mod is a Minecraft mod that provides the option to automatically reel in and re-cast the fishing rod when a nibb...
Villager builder-Build buildings for the village. Pillager builder- Build military barracks. V1: Villager soldier: they are trained by giving villagers a sword. they can use shields and come in two forms, swords and axes.Villager king: they are trained by giving the villager soldier 1 diamond...