falldamage - 开关高空落下伤害 firedamage - 开关火的伤害 fly - 飞行模式 *freeze - 冻结怪物 give <物品> [数量] - 给一样物品 goto <名字> - 去一个地方 grow [all] - 让立即小麦成长 h [COMMAND] - 命令列表/帮助 heal - 补指定的血 health - 设置生命值 help [COMMAND] - 命令列表/帮助 ...
No Fall 防止摔落伤害 -Packet 向服务器发送数据包 -Hypixel 让No Fall在Hypixel中起作用 -Catch 一格一格下落 -Bucket 落地水 -Collect 是否将水收回 -Lethal 只在摔落高度会死亡的情况下使用 -Web 蜘蛛网 -Lethal 只在摔落高度会死亡的情况下使用 *Impact 4.9.1-1.12.2使用Bucket和Web功能如果离地129格下...
/** Less fall damage */publicstaticfinalEnchantmentfeatherFalling=newEnchantmentProtection(2,5,2);/...
Flying is no longer disabled when flying under Stairs (MCPE-168999) 在楼梯下方飞行时,禁用飞行无效(MCPE-168999) Fixed fall damage accumulating when the player jumped on a roofed Soul Sand Bubble Column 修复了玩家在灵魂沙产生的上涌气泡柱上跳跃时会累积摔落伤害的问题 Players no longer take fall ...
Players that launch themselves with a Wind Charge only accumulate fall damage below the y-level of...
NoFall – Prevents fall damage Velocity(AntiKB) – Adjusts knockback AirJump – Allows you to jump up on most servers with anticheat SafeWalk – Prevents you from falling off edges ScaffoldWalk – Automatically place blocks as you walk
铁砧(zhēn)(Anvil)是一种可以修复物品、重命名和组合魔咒的方块。 普通的铁砧和开裂的铁砧不会生成在世界中。 林地府邸的“铁匠屋”中会生成一个损坏的铁砧。 脚本错误:您必须指定要调用的函数。 挖掘铁砧的合适工具是镐。铁砧需要木镐或品质更好的镐来挖掘,否则挖掘
Players Falling on the block with fall damage fall.stone 0.4 1.0 Players Walking on the block step.stone 0.35 1.0 Players Jumping from the block jump.stone 0.12 1.0 Players Falling on the block without fall damage land.stone 0.22 1.0Data...
YesCheat+: Makes other mods bypass NoCheat+ or disables them. NoFall: Protects you from fall damage. NoHurtcam: Disables the annoying effect when you get hurt. Nuker: Destroys blocks around you. Modes: Normal, ID, Flat (Flat mode only destroys blocks above your feet.) ...
dofiretick = true, domobloot = true, domobspawning = true, dotiledrops = true, doweathercycle = true, drowningdamage = true, falldamage = true, firedamage = true, keepinventory = false, mobgriefing = true, pvp = true, showcoordinates = false, naturalregeneration = true, tntexplodes = tr...