MOTION_BLOCKING_NO_LEAVES:最高的阻挡移动、含有液体且不在minecraft:leaves标签里的方块。 OCEAN_FLOOR:最高的既不是空气也不包含液体的方块。 OCEAN_FLOOR_WG:最高的既不是空气也不包含液体的方块。此值用于世界生成,生成完毕后此值被删除。 WORLD_SURFACE:最高的非空气方块。 WORLD_SURFACE_WG:最高的非空气...
Bees[].MinOccupationTicks -> bees[].min_ticks_in_hive FlowerPos -> flower_pos Villager Trades can be configured to accept only undamaged items by selecting for 'minecraft:damage': 0 村民交易可通过设置'minecraft:damage': 0调整为只接受未损坏的物品 By default, if no components are specified,...
Prevent NoCom exploit. - Prevent the 'NoCom' coordinate exploit Prevent a new lag exploit where fireworks can bring tps down to single digits. Prevent BowBomb exploit. - Prevent an exploit where bows can instantly kill a player. Prevent Burrow hack - Where you step inside a block so ...
Flower Stems (I'm in 2020) Red Petals Pink Petals Yellow Petals White Petals Stamen (Drops around 3-9 Pollen) Pollen can breed Bees and can grow them up from being a baby bee very quickly! Bee Hive Blocks Bee Hive Block Honey Floor (2021 now) Drops 1 honey bottle ...
Fixed a crash in the Minecraft 1.20 version 2D particle physics no longer spawn when too far away from the camera (based on block activation distance) 3.0.1 Rain splash particles now adjust to the rain opacity when weather physics are enabled ...
But even though honey has several uses in Minecraft, it's still relatively simple to collect. Just make sure you don't go after the beehives that aren't ready for you to harvest yet -- you don't want to get caught up with angry bees getting on your tail, after all. ...
Minecraft keeps honey level and bee information when you break a hive/nest, but there's no way for players to get at this information. This mod adds both in the item tooltip So when you're moving a nest, you can see if there's enough bees in it to start breeding at the destination...
A new version of Minecraft Bedrock for Android devices is available. An update that gives the world of Minecraft updated bees, beehives, objects, a character editor, a new bee jacket and
Campfire smoke calms bees - place one underneath the nest/hive to keep them in chill mode Redstone-friendly! Bees like bee nests and bee hives the same amount! They don't play favorites :) Bees only exit through the front of the nest/hive ...
Fixed a bug that messed up ragdolls (bug was introduced in version 2.5.0) 2.5.0 Mobs interact now with physics 2.4.10 Added MacOS support 2.4.9 Added immersive portals compatibility 2.4.8 Fixed memory leak 2.4.7 Ragdolls now only get triggered on death (fixes bee into hive ragdoll...