Q : Night Vision doesn't work on Minecraft, help me ! A: Make sure you are running Minecraft with a recent Optifine version, make sure you turn off the shaders. Make sure to put Night Vision in your resourcepacks folder, and activate it in Minecraft at the top of your ressources pac...
MOD版角色生存像素沙盒求生 《我的世界》在PC上让开发者在一天之内获得了26万欧元(242万人民币)收入的沙盘游戏(独立游戏神作)——《Minecraft–Pocket Edition》是一款非常独特的不是游戏的游戏。Minecraft被称为独立游戏神作《Minecraft》,不仅登录了Xbox360,还登录到了Android手机。说它不是游戏,是因为它并没有什么...
提供海量我的世界1.18.1mod大全,Minecraft1.18.1mod下载,希望广大玩家喜欢。 我的世界1.18.2-1.16.5飞轮 Flywheel Mod下载 2022年8月16日MOD大全0 飞轮Flywheel Mod是一个为现代Minecraft设计的模型渲染API,目的是优化3D模型渲染。机械动力自0.3.2以后需要它作为前置。
You can use magic togain different powerslike underwater breathing, resistance to fire, mending, unbreaking, and night vision. The game that stretches as far as your imagination Minecraftmay not have cutting-edge graphics, but that is intentional. These graphics are perfectly suitable for good gam...
Night_Vision: Zoom_Amount: Zoom_Bullet_Spread: Zoom_Before_Shooting: Sounds_Toggle_Zoom: Hit_Events: Enable: Message_Shooter: Message_Victim: Sounds_Impact: Sounds_Shooter: Sounds_Victim: Critical_Hits: Enable: Bonus_Damage: Chance: Message_Shooter: ...
我的世界1.18.2-1.12.2 Night vision 材质包下载 2022年3月17日 材质包 0 Night vision 材质包由作者“cartenavigom”所制作,像素为16×16。 Night vision给你一个穿透黑暗的力量,这就好比你有无限的夜视药水。 当然,这种方法不适用于光影,因为光影会使用他们自己的光照系 … 阅读更多 » ...
- Get the most popular Night Vision Mod, Jenny, skins, & more. • Better UI: A more intuitive and user-friendly interface. • Bug Fixes & Performance Improve Subscriptions Premium Minecraft Mods -Week No ads + 800 coins every week ...
+ Night Vision & Speed + Can leap into the air and slowly fall back down + When you die you release all your built up celestial power, releasing a massive explosion - 2x Fire/Lava damage Inchling + Quarter of a block tall + You can climb ...
Grilled Lamprey - gives the player night vision. Microphone - makes mobs 'dance'. Cocoacat Cupcake - given to the player by Natsuki, and the recipe is unlocked upon making her your waifu. Gives stacking health boost effect, but maxes out at 20 hearts. ...