[效果:字符串]: 1,正向效果 absorption伤害吸收 conduit_power 潮涌能量 fire_resistance 抗火 haste 急迫 health_boost 生命提升 saturation 饱和 instant_health 瞬间治疗 jump_boost 跳跃提升 speed 速度提升 night_vision 夜视 regeneration 生命恢复 invisibility 隐身 resistance 抗性提升 slow_falling 缓降 strength ...
MCBE-MINECRAFT药水效果effect指令解释~ effect的MCBE解释: 提示:<>=必要的,[]= 不太必要的 /effect <选择匹配器> <效果指令> [效果时间(秒)] [效果等级(0~255)] [是否关闭粒子效果:布尔值:ture(是,关闭),false(否,不关闭)] <效果指令>MCBE解释: 1,速度 speed 2,挖掘急迫 haste 3,力量 strength 4...
在最左侧下方的命令方块中输入指令enchant @p Smite 1(可以是任意可附魔,只要能用装备触发即可)方块类型设置为循环、条件为无条件,红石保持开启。 下界挖矿还有一个问题就是光线太暗,现在也一起解决掉吧~最左侧上方的命令方块设置如下输入指令effect @p night_vision 200 255 true(给最近的玩家赋予200秒255级夜视)...
night_vision 夜视poison 中毒regeneration 生命恢复resistance 抗性提升saturation 饱腹slow_falling 缓落slowness 缓慢speed 加速strength 力量water_breathing 水下呼吸weakness 虚弱wither 凋零 全文 6年前 372 46 寂寞的夜空 今天发的是一条特殊的评论,在说之前先讲一件事,上次的评论发错了。“Conduit”方块(导管)...
`/effect give @p minecraft:night_vision infinite 255` - 夜视 `/effect clear @p` - 移除自己所有药水效果 `/setworldspawn` 设置世界出生点 `/locate structure #minecraft:village` 定位村庄 `/locate structure #minecraft:eye_of_ender_located` 定位末地传送门 ...
/effect night vision 1 99999999,夜视三十年 /effect satuation 255 99999999,饱和,三十年无需进食,...
I would like to give anyone wearing a diamond helmet named “scuba” the potion effects night vision and water breathing. What would be the command(s) to achieve this effect on Pocket Edition? minecraft-commands minecraft-bedrock-edition Share Improve this question Follow edited Jun 29, 2019 ...
Minecraft versions under 1.12 use the /effect [player] [effect] [seconds] [amplifier] [hideParticles] command in-chat to run it. As previously mentioned, the amplifier and last values aren’t required to apply an effect to your character. However, if you’re wanting strength 2 as an examp...
NIGHT_VISION = "night_vision" HUNGER = "hunger" WEAKNESS = "weakness" POISON = "poison" WITHER = "wither" HEALTH_BOOST = "health_boost" ABSORPTION = "absorption" SATURATION = "saturation" LEVITATION = "levitation" FATAL_POISON = "fatal_poison" CONDUIT_POWER = "conduit_power" SLOW_FALLING...
好像/setblock ^ ^ ^1 command_block{Command:"/gamemode creative @p",auto:1b} 还更赚一些?甚至...