爱给网提供海量的短视频素材资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的我的世界版“You Died”绿幕素材 - 1.Minecraft You Died GREEN SCREEN(Av70213818,P1), 本站编号47447110, 该短视频素材素材大小为528k, 时长为15秒, 分辨率为1920*1080, 该素材已被下载:88次, 更多精彩短视频素材素材,尽在爱给网。
Explore far and wide to gather a pack of all nine wolf variations, then take on the Overworld together with your new safely armored friends. You can even dye wolf armor the color you'd like, and repair it when it gets damaged! There's never been a better time to set out on an adve...
What’s new in the 1.20.30 update? Minecraft’s latest1.20.30 version updateenhances the gameplay experience even further with a bunch of improvements and tweaks. Headlining these is theimproved “You Died” screen, now zooming out and allowing you to inspect the nature of your in-game death...
o将“Title screen”更改为“Title Screen”(deathScreen.titleScreen)。 o将“You died!”更改为“You Died!”(deathScreen.title)。 o将“Game over!”更改为“Game Over!”(deathScreen.title.hardcore)。 o将“Level requirement: <level>”更改为“Level Requirement: <level>”(container.enchant.level.req...
Some mods are displayed on the screen and some mods work in secret to make the game work better, appear better, or add new features like real-time support. You can play without mods, but installing mods can make a world of difference. It is important to note that mods are not supported...
A new Recovery Compass can be crafted with Echo Shards which can only be found and are unique to Ancient City chests* 一个新的追溯指针可以用只能在远古城市的箱子里找到的回响碎片制作。* Unlike a normal Compass, the Recovery Compass will point to the last place you died ...
New Features:新功能:Deep Dark 深暗之域 In the depths of the Overworld, you will find one of ...
MINECRAFT 基岩版 1.20.80 Armor up and adventure together!整装上阵,一同冒险!Eight new wolf ...
Mangrove trees introduce a brand-new type of wood block to build with, the logs can be crafted into planks, stairs, buttons, slabs, fences, doors, signs, and pressure plates. You can also craft with the mangrove tree’s leaves, roots, and small saplings called propagules!
While we’re on the topic – have you had a chance to check out all the other spiffy stuff that we added to Minecraft today? Because The Wild Update has officially launched and now the Overworld is full of frogs, allays, wardens (*shudder*), mud, boats with chests, new music, and ...