so you can be sure that the Java Edition works correctly. As you know, Nether Update received the highest number of votes in the competition for the next update, so it is possible that the 1.17 version may contain the Mountains Update. Mojang has prepared for players a full release of the...
Minecraft 1.16 Release Date As you know, Microsoft hired two teams that develop and test changes at once, this allowed us to develop new updates very quickly and after just 8 months we received several global updates: Bees Update and Nether Update. Since February 2020, developers have been act...
Ever since the Nether Update, the Piglins have seen players sneaking in and having a peek in their chests – well, no more! With 1.16.2, we’re introducing the Piglin Brute – a Piglin so focused on guarding the Bastion Remnants' chests that even gold can’t distract them. 自从下界更新...
The Nether Update is just around the corner, and the 1.16 release candidate is now going out! Nether的更新就在眼前,1.16版本的候选版本即将发布! 更新日志 Changelogs 来源: 更多: Changelog:
several changes, fixes, and experimental features! Check out the highlights from this release:...
This release comes with improvements to horse breeding and jukeboxes, new visuals for potions, new accessibility features and many new technical capabilities like the damage and ride commands and display and interaction entities. 我们现发布 Minecraft 1.19.4。在这个版本中,我们改进了马匹繁殖机制和唱片...
THE WILD UPDATE OUT TODAY ON JAVA Java版荒野更新今日发布 A Minecraft Java Release 一个Minecraft Java正式版 Oh, hello. I didn’t see you there! I was too busy inspecting these mangrove tree roots. They’re all tangled up! What do you mean they’re supposed to be? Hey, that’s pretty...
如果你想在下界更新中了解更多新玩意,你可以参照这篇文章(。 修复BUG 该版本修复了1个BUG: MC-191138:点击Realms信息时的崩溃 -(java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1)。 获取更新 要获取该版本,请在您的Minecraf 分享93 minecraft吧 ...
下载地址:GroupManager - v3.0-SNAPSHOT for Minecraft 1.8 to 1.19+ (pre-release). | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft Residence 领地管理类插件Residence:Residence file downloader (,需要前置CMILib:CMILib | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft。
I updated to Minecraft 1.16.1 I have been having renders fail on a specific chunk in my world, causing the process to hang and the render to fail. I built the newest release of Overviewer 27eabb0, and the problem is still persisting. This is the error that I am seeing. tbm@mc...