13、| add typelevel对现在的物品施魔法Xp add QTY|get|set XP图层表现法(XP)经验值指令Hardcore enable|disable是否打开变态模式(游戏最高难度)Calc电脑use portal normal | nether | end | portal传送命令特别是:要简化计算机的使用,请输入“=表达式”例如,=4 * 4输入其他命令帮助信息?/help命令名Helmet ITEM...
🌐 Portal Linking Coords When given a block position, returns the dimension in the command's corresponding coordinates. If no coordinates are given, command assumes current player position. Usage: /calc nether <x> <y> <z> Usage: /calc overworld <x> <y> <z>🌾 Farm Rates Calculator ...
/calc sum - in-game calculator. Can accept parentheses, sqrt() for square root, s() and c() for sin and cos, etc. Usage is same as standard posix Bench Calculator[1] /id name|id - search for an item's id by name, or look up an item or block name from its numerical id. /...
各种mod详细介绍(by:minecraft中文下载站)1.双开门 提供了一个简单的不能再简单的功能,当你设置了一个双开的大门的时候,通常点击一次只能开启/关闭其中一扇,装了这个MOD之后,你点击一下,两扇门会同时开启/关闭。2.建筑 今天给大家带来的是SpaceToad的“BuildCraft”mod,一个相当复杂,相当高科技的mod。用机器...
bring[ENTITY]-Bringsthespecifiedentitytoyou. cannon[STRENGTH]-ShootsaprimedTNTinthedirectionyouarepointing. calc-Calculatorcommand chest<drop|get|fill|swap|clear>-Allowaccessofchests clear-Clearstheconsole clearwater-Toggleswaterclarityon/off climb-Allowstheplayertoclimbanysurfacewithoutaladder clone[QUANTITY...
[enable|disable] Enderman 拾取物品开启关闭 enchant <list|remove|add TYPE [LEVEL]> 对当前物品附魔 xp <add QTY|get|set XP> XP (player experience)经验值命令 hardcore <enable|disable> 是否开启变态模式(游戏最高难度) calc 计算机 useportal <normal|nether|end|PORTAL> 传送命令特别提示: 输入 “= ...
unbinditem [all] - Unbinds the currently selected items bindings, or all bindings update - Turns update checking on/off useportal - Instantly transfers you to the nether, use it again to go back.waterdamage - Turns water damage on/of f weather - Toggles weather on/off world-Allows you ...