Map Info This is a survival map for Minecraft 1.5. You are stuck in the nether with a couple of items. Your goal is to survive, make it to the over world, and then finish the challenges (Win-room). There are chests scattered around the nether fortress containing pretty useful stuff....
magma_cream = 岩浆膏 map = 地图 map_exploration_mansion = 森林探险者地图 map_exploration_monument = 海洋探险者地图 map_exploration_treasure = 藏宝图 melon = 西瓜片 milk = 奶桶 minecart = 矿车 chest_minecart = 运输矿车 command_block_minecart = 命令方块矿车 minecartFurnace = 动力矿车 hopper_mi...
Team Fortress 2 Team Fortress Classic Upload ContentAdvanced Search Map 22K 10 1 Awards Windows You are downloading as a guest. Download Add to Queue View Changelog Report File Like itWatch itAward it Description a small minecraft map for minecraft fans (netherwolrd workinprogress). have fun :...
map was originally generated 1.7.3, nearest nether fortress is at (X, Z) (155, 75) Reply 0 0 MiKittyLuke about 9 months ago #146715 It says back up at the top - 1.16.4 Reply 0 0 Tylahr about 1 year ago #142653 Good game help's improve mind and body to learn new things ...
对于每个区块,选取区块中的一个随机位置,作为刷怪起始点(y 的值域上界为 heightmap),并尝试 3 次刷怪 对于每次刷怪尝试,会从刷怪起始点开始,游走 k 次。每次游走都会将坐标水平随机偏移一定距离,然后尝试生成一只怪。这 k 次游走+刷怪也被称为"成群生成" ...
A collection of apps to help you find the best Minecraft seeds, and locate biomes and structures in your world on an interactive map.
A trade map desiged after the autistic game 'Minecraft' created by xomp. This map has a few secrets too it and has a Nether with Ghasts. This map also has a respawning HHH that spawns every 5 minutes so you can get that Haunted Metal. ...
Nether Fortress: Rib Armor Trim 下界要塞:肋骨盔甲纹饰 Bastion Remnant: Snout Armor Trim 堡垒遗迹:猪鼻盔甲纹饰 Stronghold: Eye Armor Trim 要塞:眼眸盔甲纹饰 End City: Spire Armor Trim 末地城:尖塔盔甲纹饰 Smithing Templates are found in chests in their respective structure 锻造模板可以在对应的结构的...
Nether Fortress Finder lets you locate nether fortresses in your minecraft world with an interactive map.
Map item format Model NBT format Obfuscation map Player format raids.dat format Raw JSON text format Region file format Structure block file format Schematic file format Scoreboard format Server list format sounds.json Subtitles villages.dat format Legacy development resources Classic level format Classi...