The easiest and best looking nether portal calculator to get the coordinates for your netherportals so you can build a nether highway in Minecraft.
A Minecraft Nether Portal Calculator. The calculation behind the nether portal is relatively simple, but every so often we all need a little help when calculating the perfect place to put our nether portal. With this handy little chrome extension you can have the calculator right at your fingert...
/calc nether <x> <y> <z> usage: /calc overworld <x> <y> <z> 🌾 farm rates calculator when given an amount of items and a farm run time in seconds (expressions allowed) , returns the items per hour of the farm. usage: /calc rates <numberofitems> <seconds> 🎲 generate ...
Nether Portal Science How Portals Work (slideshow) Minecraft Portal Calculator 参考 ↑ ↑ 环境[显示][编辑] ...
地獄傳送門,英文名叫Nether Portal,是一種人造的結構,用來在主世界和地獄兩個維度之間傳送。 一個地獄傳送門由黑曜石框架構成(最小4×5,最大23×23)。邊角上的四個黑曜石不是必須的,但是傳送門由遊戲生成時四角的黑曜石總是會自動生成。黑曜石可以用任何方式放置,比
Measuring eyes from inside a Nether portal while Distortion Effects are reduced (i.e. when the Distortion Effects slider is less than 100%) Allowed interactions with intended behaviors of the mod that have been asked about include but are not limited to: ...
allow-nether=true enforce-whitelist=false gamemode=survivalbroadcast-console-to-ops=true enable-query=false player-idle-timeout=0 difficulty=easyspawn-monsters=true broadcast-rcon-to-ops=true op-permission-level=4 pvp=truesnooper-enabled=true
- @NetherNinja - Drop Items buttons inspiration idea- @ZouChenyunfei - Custom Pack Info in Pack Settings Screen- asakizuki (Discord) - Fixing Item ID calculator, method to convert float numbers to strings, and other things- @LukasPAH and website - Item ID AUX and UI doc...
allow-nether=true enforce-whitelist=false gamemode=survivalbroadcast-console-to-ops=true enable-query=false player-idle-timeout=0 difficulty=easyspawn-monsters=true broadcast-rcon-to-ops=true op-permission-level=4 pvp=truesnooper-enabled=true
代码示例来源:origin: SonarSonic/Calculator @Override public boolean canPlaceBlockAt(World world, BlockPos pos) { return this.greenhouseTier == 0 && super.canPlaceBlockAt(world, pos); } 代码示例来源:origin: TeamLapen/Vampirism @Override public List<ItemStack> getDrops(IBlockAccess world, Block...