Below the seed and version, you can also choose the Minecraft dimension that you want to view (Overworld, Nether or End). This, and the version you use, will affect which features can be enabled. To toggle certain features, click on the icons in the features box just above the map. Yo...
Is the server overloaded? Running 2439ms or 48 ticks behind[07:58:14] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...[07:58:14] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[***]'/minecraft:overworld[07:58:14] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel...
Tool and armor recipes now display the selected item background when selected in the recipe list当被选中时,工具和盔甲的配方将会显示被选中配方的背景 Wireframe of a structure block in the Overworld will no longer render in Nether and The End (MCPE-75231)在主世界的结构方块界线框将不会在下界或...
· 加入了setImpactedBlocks(blocks:Vector3[]): void。 · 用于设置被爆炸影响的方块位置。 · 移除了impactedBlocks属性。 · BeforeItemUseOnEvent · 加入了getBlockLocation():Vector3函数。 · 用于获取被影响的方块位置。 · 移除了blockLocation属性。 · Block · 加入了isAir函数。 · 用于返回方块是否...
Discover Add-Ons Add-Ons let you add new blocks, mobs, items, recipes, and other content to both your existing worlds and new ones.Learn More New New New New New SECURITY++ Add-On ECKOSOLDIER:"The BEST Security Addon" Watch Review Video...
Fix potential crash when returning to the Overworld from the Nether or The End 修复了由下界或末...
/testfor、/testforblock与/testforblocks已移除,整合入/execute。/toggledownfall已移除,整合入/weather。/tp与/teleport/tp现在是/teleport的缩写(类似/w、/msg和/tell)。坐标现在为相对于执行者的值,类同其他命令。/tp的语法保留,但行为改为/teleport的。/trigger新语法/trigger <目标>,是/trigger <目标> add...
A fiery arthropod found in the nether and near firewells. The bite of the bug sets the victim on fire, and the mob itself is immune to fire. Firelight intentionally attacks Pumpkin Spirit to corrupt. Sets the ground on fire at the place of his death. ...
set the "Cave Mode Top Y" to absolutely any number. If you are in the overworld, set the "Cave Mode Type" to OFF. When you are in the Nether later, set "Cave Mode Type" to Full. The cave mode type is stored per dimension, so you can set it to Full for any nether-like dimen...