limit=<整数>,选择一定数量的目标,并指定其优先级。例如:“@a[limit=2,sort=furthest]”,选择距离执行者最远的两名玩家sort=后面可以接4种数值,nearest:从近到远排序;furthest:从远到近排序;random:随机排序;arbitray:按生成时间由远到近。 name=<名称>,选择名字为该名称的目标。比如“@e[name=!Jason_Black...
[limit=<值>,sort=(nearest|furthest|random|arbitrary)]— 选择指定数量的目标,并指定优先级。[仅Java版] sort=nearest— 将目标由近到远排序。(@p的默认排序方式) sort=furthest— 将目标由远到近排序。 sort=random— 将目标随机排序。(@r的默认排序方式) sort=arbitrary— 将目标按生成时间由远到近排序。
For example, if you wanted to spawn the salmon close to the nearest player, rather than right next to the fox, you could do that with apositioned as @p- in other words, position to the nearest player - segment. Therun summon salmon ^ ^1 ^command is where you can determine the exact...
sort则是limit的扩展 sort后面可以添加nearest,farthest,random,arbitrary 分别表示 最近的 最远的 随机的 任意的 比如kill@e[limit=5,sort=nearest] 杀死五个距离执行者最近的实体 9.type 实体的种类 比如kill@e[type=zombie] 击杀所有僵尸 你可以在type=后面添加叹号 表示除了xx实体 kill@e[type=!zombie] 杀...
This command gives the nearest player with a level one or higher a diamond sword./tp @p[name=Steve] 0 250 0This command teleports the player named Steve to the coordinates (0, 250, 0)./summon zombie ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:"Zombie King"}This command summons a zombie with the custom ...
/inputpermission Optionally enables or disables input permissions for a player. Game Directors Yes /kick Kicks a player from the server. Game Directors No /kill Kills entities like players and mobs. Game Directors Yes /list Lists players on the server. Any No /locate Finds the nearest specified...
One may also check for a specific quality of aplayeror entity,/execute at @p[distance=..10] run tp ~ ~10 ~, This command will teleport the nearest player in a radius of 10 up 10 blocks. That command can also be written as/tp @p[distance=..10] ~ ~10 ~ ...
大佬们求助,不知道为..崩溃报告:--- Minecraft Crash Report ---// This is a token for 1 free hug. Redeem at your nearest Mojan
mode instead.” In the Settings Menu, you can switch the ‘/gamemode spectator’ command on and...