恶魂(Ghast)是下界一种会向玩家发射火球的巨大浮空生物。它是游戏中自然生成的第二大生物,仅次于末影龙。 恶魂只有在其下方是固体方块,并且拥有5×4×5[仅Java版]或4×4×4[仅基岩版]的空间时才会自然生成。恶魂只能够生成在下界中的下界荒地、灵魂沙峡谷和玄武岩三角洲
Command blocks are also useful for creating custom adventure maps. With the help of custom commands, you can adjust game elements, spawn mobs, and create custom challenges for players.This can create custom challenges, puzzles, story-driven levels, and more....
rest assured this won’t give them the ability to detect you faster. Most mobs don’t even need the enhancement to find their way to you, so we recommend using this potion and its variants
Adds a mutant, ginourmous, evolved variant of the Wither programmed to hunt you down while destroying everything it can.
You're exploring this really cool cave system, and you find loads of coal, iron, and gold. You mine another block and jump as lava starts pouring through. Backing up, you barely notice as you approach the edge of a ravine and fall. When...
How to Kill all Mobs in Minecraft Edit this page If you are playing in a world that seems to have quite a bit of frame stuttering, you may need to do something about the mobs in your world. A lot of mobs will never despawn, including wandering trader llamas. There could be a hole...