我的世界船只模组推荐:Smallships模组java版多功能可航行的船只模组forge和fabric可用 8666 4 6:36 App 【我的世界】MOD推荐 船都开过吧 这麽大的船呢? 2.3万 14 0:40 App Minecraft mt12反坦克炮(模拟后座力) 2万 8 2:13 App 【Clockwork】Minecraft里第一艘真正能用的帆船战舰! 64万 469 4:12 App...
To start building your own ship, you first need a ship block, and there are 7 different kinds of ship blocks, each one allowing you to create a bigger and bigger ship, starting from Tiny Ship (or more likely a raft) and then moving on up to the huge Epic Ships, which can be consi...
【MOD】SHIPS MOD (v1.0.2) 打造属于你自己的船 打造你自己的船只,穿越湖泊大海。创造属于你自己的航海奇迹,Cuchaz的船MOD,给我们建造自己的船只旅行于我的世界的机会,船只涉及到重量浮力速度等各项参数来增加游戏的真实性。 作者:Cuchaz 官网:Ships Mod 打造船只: 要造一艘船,你首先需要搭建核心部分:船方块,有7...
mod_SmartMoving : Available (Smart Moving Client for ModLoader.zip) mod_Kaevator_Corners : Available (Super+Slopes+V1+-+1.2.5.zip) mod_Kaevator_IntCorners : Available (Super+Slopes+V1+-+1.2.5.zip) mod_Kaevator_Slopes : Available (Super+Slopes+V1+-+1.2.5.zip) mod_Kaevator_Beams : ...
Q:Will you make it possible for me to walk on moving ships? A:The chances are low, if it does happen it will not be very soon, it's a large amount of work to hook into Minecraft's collision system and tell it to behave differently just for me. ...
UCHIJAAAAWalledCityMod{0.1.9} [Walled City Generator] (遗迹生成.jar) UCHIJAAAAonlysilver{1.9.4-1.7.2} [OnlySilver] (银.jar) UCHIJAAAAshinyfood{1.5} [ShinyFood] (闪亮的食物.jar) UCHIJAAAAMovingWorld{1.7.10-1.7.12B} [Moving World] (阿基米德的船 (1).jar) UCHIJAAAAArchimedesShipsPlus{1.7...
打造你自己的船只,穿越湖泊大海。创造属于你自己的航海奇迹,Cuchaz的船MOD,给我们建造自己的船只旅行于我的世界的机会,船只涉及到重量浮力速度等各项参数来增加游戏的真实性。 作者:Cuchaz 官网:Ships Mod 打造船只: 要造一艘船,你首先需要搭建核心部分:船方块,有7种类型,可以创造多艘船(最基本的20方块到最大的1000...
UCHmovingworld{1.10.2-0002} [Moving World] (MovingWorld-Mod-1.10.2.jar) UCHdavincisvessels{@DVESSELSVER@} [Davinci's Vessels] (Archimedes-Ships-Plus-Mod-1.10.2.jar) UCHBetterFoliage{2.1.1} [Better Foliage] (Better-Foliage-Mod-1.10.2.jar) UCHcounter_guns{1.0.1} [Counter Guns] (Counter...
[com.flansmod.common.FlansMod:log:604]: [Flan's Mod] Created new file[02:45:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading skin database at: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves\新的世界\skin-database[02:45:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Moving skin database to a new location.[...
The scale of the ships is impressive, as is the ship-to-ship combat. Just don’t be surprised when someone nicks your pirate ship. There’s no honour among thieves. IP Address: mc.piratemc.com Gamemodes: Survival mode with player economy, ships, cannons, etc Microtransactions?: Yes ...