Bees try to avoid water Bees go inside if it's raining at all in the world, not just where the bee is located Bees will search up to 10 blocks away from itself in all directions to find a nest/hive to call home Bee Nests / Bee Hives In real life, bees dance in their nests to ...
Prevent a new lag exploit where fireworks can bring tps down to single digits. Prevent BowBomb exploit. - Prevent an exploit where bows can instantly kill a player. Prevent Burrow hack - Where you step inside a block so crystals can't do any damage. Prevent BoatFly exploit - Prevent the...
Minecraft keeps honey level and bee information when you break a hive/nest, but there's no way for players to get at this information. This mod adds both in the item tooltip So when you're moving a nest, you can see if there's enough bees in it to start breeding at the destination...
Bees no longer clip inside honey blocks when flying near them 蜜蜂在蜂蜜块附近飞行时不会再夹在里面 Bees now spawn only in blocks you can move through (instead of getting stuck inside leaves, for example) 蜜蜂只会在可以穿过的方块中生成(为了不会卡在树叶里) Bees are now able to gather necta...
Increased the default config value for the duration of Protection of the Hive. Now protection lasts 5 minutes when obtained by feeding Bees or feeding Honeycomb Brood blocks. Anyone with pre-existing config files would need to edit howLongProtectionOfTheHiveLasts to 6000 to match the new default...
(You can nerf the bees inthe configif you find them too strong or buff them if you want to die!) Note:If you have severe trypophobia and the current textures are too much, you can enable the internal modAnti-Trypophobia resourcepackby going into the resourcepack screen and move the ...
Use the Scanner on a spawner to import the mob data, this destroys the spawner in the process. You can then export the data onto an "Imprint Matrix" to create a new spawner.Player activation radius of the new spawner depends on the "Imprint Matrix" used: ...
Bees Reduced the maximum distance a bee can wander away from its home hive to ~22 blocks Blocks Many new blocks have been added, and changes have been made to a few existing ones. Added crying obsidian. It's sad and cries purple energy ...
By feeding bees or that brood block, you get Protection of the Hive that makes bees defend you against anyone attacking you! (You can nerf the bees in the config if you find them too strong or buff them if you want to die!) Note: If you have severe trypophobia and the current ...
Fix 1.11 Bees do damage on peaceful mode - Nedelosk Fix #1714 Wax cast negative durability - Nedelosk Fix Bottler JEI integration - Nedelosk Add tintindex to the door models - Nedelosk Move the bee allele register event to the preInit - Nedelosk Update JEI integration - mezz Fix leaves ...