[Fabric] Creeper Firework 1.5.0 ByDragonsPlus ReleaseR Dec 24, 2022 37.17 KB 998 1.19.3 File Name creeper_firework-1.19.3-1.5.0.jar Supported Versions 1.19.3 Changelog Additional Files Related Projects File has no changelogCurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gam...
(Super Firework will auto register the firework particle to MadParticle Renderer and Async Ticker, so you don't need to change the takeover method) Mod Items Super Firework: The core item of this mod, acts like vanilla firework rocket, but has more explosion styles and a larger firework siz...
If you are using a very low-end system to play Minecraft,Fastcraftcan become your savior. You must start using it ASAP. It is able to improve the overall game performance on outdated machines prominently. Also, you can use it to install other useful mods on your slow system. 4.Optifine...
This yeetable TNT explodes as soon as it touches any surface/Mob, the damage caused by the explosion is moderate (Not as much as a block of TNT, but not as small as a firework).It should be noted that this does not destroy any blocks when exploding. (Classic Dynamite VS Respawning Pi...
Step 1:First, you’ll need to switch your Minecraft game to Creative mode. Flying isn’t always available in every Minecraft mode, but Creative mode is essentially a god mode that you can mess around in just to experiment. It also makes flying very, very easy. ...
1. This modallows turn on Block DestructionandExposion Damage to Mobin config file. Its explosion causes a result that more closely resembles the original explosion when Mob Damage and Block Destruction settings are on. 2. This modallows creeper to turn into firework on death.This option is se...
Crafting Cache: Adds an IRecipe cache to improve recipe performance in large modpacks Creeper Confetti: Replaces deadly creeper explosions with delightful confetti (with a configurable chance) Critical Arrow Damage: Sets the additional damage that critical arrows deal Custom Rarity: Sets custom rarities...
Compatibility with dark theme mods and resource packs. Swapped Hands This option allows to assign the vanilla Hotbar to your Offhand, and the Utility Belt to your Main Hand. Global Settings To improve mod compatibility, some features can be disabled on a game-wide level for all players. ...
This Mod was inspired by an MMORPG and was designed to eliminate the boring running time offast food playersorheavy MOD combinations. (though perhaps too IMBA for normal survival mode.) This MOD offers mobility second to theElytra and firework rocket combination, and requires no extra equipment ...
But hey maybe you find one that works. Can i stream this Modpack or Host it on a Server for friends or other people to play? Yes. I dont own any of the mods within the pack nor do i hold the rights to prevent you from doing so. I just want you to have fun with it so go ...