Please visit the superior page on Modrinth for more information about Small Ships! Want to host a server to play Small Ships with your friends? Rent your own minecraft server here More information on how to set it up here check out my other mods: Hire Villager Workers and let them farm,...
the merchant will search for a boat near this waypoint to board. Ships from the Small Ships mod are also compatible. The merchant will sail from each waypoint using a custom-made waterway pathfinding system. Nevertheless, water travel is still in an experimental phase....
The Ships mod gives you the ability to control small to large masses of blocks, possibly resembling ships, but also adds a few extra pieces to truly make your mass into a great functional ship. Yes anything from a 2 block raft to a 10,000 block battleship can be controlled with this ...
smallships放到mods里怎么用不了,是不是还要什么前置模组 chenglin1524 11-14 0 我的世界xray mod 螺旋跳楼 谁能发我一个1.7.10 forge版本的xray mod,透视的那种,谢谢大佬们 螺旋跳楼 11-11 0 求问,为什么我的世界宝可梦gameshark模组无法正常使用 贴吧用户_... 版本是1/16/5,,下载gameshark的前置...
🛠️ Mods: Origins classes, Create, Simple animated guns, Grappling hooks, Simple animated guns, Backpacked, Immersive aircraft, and Small ships, and more. Along with this we also have a mod that adds AOT music discs into the game ...
FML: MCP v8.04 FML v6.2.62.871 Minecraft Forge 29 mods loaded, 29 mods active mcp{8.04} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available->Available FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (minecr...
Bspkrs' mods (铠甲属性HUD, 指南针HUD, 药水效果HUD): 兼容。 Buildcraft 建筑mod: 兼容。 Carpenter's Blocks 木匠方块: 兼容。 Chisel 2 凿子2: 兼容。 Custom NPCs 自定义NPC: 兼容。 Dynamic Lights 动态光源mod: 兼容。 FastCraft 迅速工艺: 兼容,强烈建议安装。
Ex Nihilo: Creatio- A great mod for skyblocks, it filters things like sand and gravel for useful resources like iron and diamond, compatible with lots of mods. Magic Utilities General ArmorPlus- This mod literally adds tons of armors to the game, and different ways of crafting them. ...
The keybinds of the mod might be used by other mods, effectively disabling them. March 6, 2021 8:17 am Reply Schultenbrau This mod is awesome! The only question i have is: is it possible to remove the building limit of 2048 blocks? Not that my ships are to small, it would be ...
(~/.minecraft/mods on Linux) Alternatively, you can also run ./gradlew runClient to start Minecraft with this jar. Compile MineColonies (Intellij) Right-click the build.gradle file (or the background of the folder it's in) and select Open Folder as Intellij Project. Select Auto Import ...