Origins+, Created by me(ShadowSharkPVP), Had help from-Folk-#6492with the Origin descriptions. Based on the java version of the mod byAPACE100 24 origins(9 are experimental community ideas), each with differentadvantagesanddisadvantages, each very unique and adding a completely different way to...
Forge port here (made by EdwinMindcraft): If you're looking for a server host, are enjoying the mod, and would like to support me: feel free to check out and consider Lilypad! Choose an Origin and begin your game with special a...
This is an origins-based modpack designed for a private server. The goal is to create an rpg-like experience in minecraft with different races (origins), new dungeons to explore and many adventures to be had! Includes a selection of origins, classes, food, structures, weapons, and many van...
On this screen, the arrows let you choose between the differnet origins, and the Select button selects the origin being displayed. The origins this addon adds are heavily based on the ones from the Origins Mod on the Java Edition by Apace100 on These origins include: <Human...
Unlike most mods, Origins is not centered around custom items or biomes but rather fundamentally changing your in-game character and how you interact with the world. By choosing an ‘Origin’ you can spawn into the world with passive abilities that are unique to that specific origin. Some ori...
# force small continent near origin //让小型陆地和小到尽量生成在一起,推荐开启,不然之后的群岛设置后结果可能很奇葩B:forceStartContinent=true# max height value for allowing rivers; 10.0 allows everything; 0.75 is plains but no hills //允许的河流高度D:maxChasm=10.0# Maximum Number of Rescue ...
The team distributing the modified version must cite the origin of the Dynmap code, but must also clearly indicate that the version is NOT supported by nor endorsed by the Dynmap team, and that ALL support should be directed through the team providing the modified version. Any modified version...
Welcome to the Reincarnation Modpack! Where every death sees you reincarnated as a new origin. The modpack features new mobs, mob interactions, bosses, origins, and mechanics, this modpack is incredibly difficult, yet rewarding. - Download the Minecraft
Origin(原帖地址) Screenshots(使用截图) I was kicked when I tried to save my edit(在尝试保存时被服务器踢出): ...
1.Origin 12 战术改装:12号霰弹消音器(12 Gauge Silencer) 垂直握把(Grip) 黑色EOTech全息瞄准镜(EOTech 512 A65 Holographic (Black)) Origin 20发弹鼓(Origin 12 Drum Mag) HKS20护木(HKS20 Handguard) HKS20握把(HKS20 Grip) HKS20枪托(HKS20 Stock) ...