卧槽拆迁队 山中矿道 7 你打开的不是安装了forge的版本。。。在启动器里找找 或者安装forge的时候就出了问题 7楼2015-02-22 22:41 收起回复 新大陆云之 地下要塞 9 你这没装成功 来自Android客户端8楼2015-02-22 22:52 收起回复 寒冷年华_ 漫天星光 4 ...
For support and questions, visit the Support Forum or the Forge Discord server. Creating Mods See the "Getting Started" section in the Forge Documentation. Contribute to Forge If you wish to actually inspect Forge, submit PRs or otherwise work with Forge itself, you're in the right place!
1.6不是直接放在mods文件夹的,只有1.52及之前的mc安装mod才是直接拖到mods文件夹,如果要自制整合包的话,建议去 minecraft中文论坛 有详细的安装教程
1.6.2和1.7.2版本的Forge API可以说是两个几乎不同的API,千万别弄到同一个客户端文件夹里面啊,会出BUG的,而且1.7.2版本和1.6.2版本的MOD也是不兼容的,同时放到同一个“mods”文件夹也会出现读取BUG;假如需要1.6.2版本的forge,请再追问一次,我好发上来,或者是直接自己下载:http:/...
相关mod:Hwyla:该模组1.12.2-1.16.5的前置jade addons:依赖该模组版本:forge1.12.2-1.19fabric1.18.2-1.19下载链接:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/jade(curseforge官方)https://www.mcmod.cn/class/3482.html(mcmod百科)API:如上,forge/fabric 7楼2022-07-07 22:33 收起回复 ...
Find the best Minecraft Mods and Modpacks on CurseForge - Enhance your gameplay with free mods that offer powerful tools for building and combat
This server has mods that require FML/Forge to be installed on the client error: If this error appears, it often means that you are attempting to join the server from a vanilla version. You can confirm this by checking if theModstab from the main menu appears. If not, return to your ...
Minecraft安装了forge,文件夹里和游戏里都有mods选项,但却没有shaderpacks文件夹,设置里也没有?2018年12月13日,一则名为“Hytale”的预告片亮相YouTube。封面的像素小人本身就让人联想到了Minecraft,而点开视频之后,几个闪亮的“Hypixel Studios”字样更是让无数Minecraft粉丝瞬间炸开了锅。一个月...