ImmersiveEngineering-1.19.4-9.4.1-168 Release R 1.19.4 Forge Oct 3, 2023 ImmersiveEngineering-1.19.3-9.3.0-163 Release R 1.19.3 Forge Mar 1, 2023 ImmersiveEngineering-1.19.2-9.2.4-170 Release R 1.19.2 Forge Mar 30, 2024 Report
Curse原帖:我在mcbbs的教程地址:的视频教程:水之元素的视频: 3楼2015-08-02 10:40 回复 ...
4 big reactors(大型反应堆)当电力越来越不够用怎么办?尤其开始玩AE2这个吃电不眨眼的老虎,你需要这个模组可以大量电力,10KRF立刻获得!添加黄铀矿石,建立如下图的多方块结构,立刻获得大量廉价RF。5 immersive engineering (沉浸工程)很新的一个模组,作者抛弃了传统的管线,加入了电线的概念;而且本模组的许多机...
Immersive Engineering’s popularity has given rise to several addons. These addons are independent mods that can improve your experience when using Immersive Engineering. They can add new items, mechanics, tools, and machines for you to play with as you expand your factory. Here are a few of...
ImmersiveEngineering-1.20.4-11.1.0-172.jar Supported Versions 1.20.4 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects NeoForge implementation "curse.maven:immersive-engineering-231951:5227809" Copy to clipboard Curse Maven does not yet support mods that hav...
养蜂和养树的同学建议安装扩展模组binnie's mods,增加了大量新的树种和新的蜜蜂。新的树种可以产生果实榨出更多果汁和种子油,来发出更多电。新的蜜蜂可以产生minecraft里面一切资源,比如农作物,矿物,怪物动物产品。 添加Mgaic bees 扩展模组,蜜蜂可以产生魔法模组相关资源。
沉浸工程--Immersive Engineering 讲了三个元老级mod,讲一下个人玩得也比较多的新兴mod,沉浸工程(后面简称IE)首次在1.7.10版本出现,作为MC mod史上最辉煌的版本,1.7.10是科技mod领域的一道分界线,1.7.10前的生态与1.7.10后的科技mod生态差异很大,而沉浸工程IE是最能代表1.7.10之后生态的一个mod。 核心模组。注意,非必要不要尝试老版本的模组,部分模组有许多影响可玩性的BUG。当然,万能的1.12.2除外。还有的是,不要随随便便去调戏通了电的电线。 2. 沉浸铁路 ...
Minecraft version: 1.21 | Download: Immersive EngineeringMost tech mods in Minecraft seem somewhere between sci-fi futuristic and black box technology, with red pipes and single blocks that spit out resources or control vast functions. Immersive Engineering takes a totally different approach, basing it...
Learn the 40 best Minecraft mods: 1. OptiFine; 2. JourneyMap; 3. Just Enough Items (JEI); 4. Biomes O' Plenty; 5. Tinkers' Construct + more.