Mods 78,385,793 Install Beta B NeoForge Forge + 1 Aug 15, 2024 iceandfire-2.1.13-1.18.2-beta-3 Beta B 1.18.2 Forge Jan 16, 2024 Description THIS MOD REQUIRES CITADEL 1.8.1 OR NEWER FOR 1.16.3 THIS MOD REQUIRES CITADEL 1.1.11 OR NEWER FOR 1.15.2 ...
The plains biome is still the empty field you know and love, just with a few minor additions to enliven the area. 🌸 The Lush Caves Update NewAzalea logsandFlowering Azalealogs, which replace the oak wood on the vanilla azalea tree. They can be crafted into planks, which are used to ... 打开后右侧Project为:240630 则导入代码为: implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:jer-240630:3831559") 加入这行代码,再运行测试游戏(runClient)。 保存测试,进入游戏在JEI中按U打开一个能打怪获取的道具,发现已经可以显示来...
相关mod:Hwyla:该模组1.12.2-1.16.5的前置jade addons:依赖该模组版本:forge1.12.2-1.19fabric1.18.2-1.19下载链接:官方)百科)API:如上,forge/fabric 7楼2022-07-07 22:33 收起回复 ...
这种包一般被curse forge那的人称作厨房水槽包这种只需要拉mod进入mods文件夹的东西都需要加群? 来自Android客户端7楼2019-03-14 12:19 收起回复 山中雾气 熔岩之海 10 我要黑曜石,只有岩浆,就过来了 来自Android客户端8楼2019-03-15 07:07 收起回复 c...
A simple command line downloader for Minecraft Forge Modpacks. Also works with Curse manifest JSONs. Usage Execute via command line with two arguments, the manifest json and the folder where you want your mods downloaded. Example: java -jar modpackdownloader.jar -manifest mods.json -folder mods...
Shulker boxes, bundles (MC 1.17+) and many containers from other mods can provide building blocks for the wand Botania compatibility: The Black Hole Talisman can supply blocks just like shulker boxes can. Having a Rod of the Lands / Rod of the Depths in your inventory will provide you with...
Forge计划支持Clojure/Kotlin/Scala/Groovy之类JVM方言以及JavaScript(在mod的.toml文件中指定相应的加载器),用这些语言开发mod,只能通过在curse上下载一个相应的前置mod。 30.No Annotations processor, is dead and the mod annotation only have one value. ...
为什么在curse forge下载的整合包hmcl识别不了 只看楼主收藏回复 贴吧用户_QMSS36D 摇曳火光 3 为什么在curse forge下载的整合包hmcl识别不了送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2020-04-09 16:22回复 诗人总是想象 终界呼唤 12 用multimc吧 来自Android客户端2楼2020-04-09 17:20 收起回复 ...