Find the best Minecraft Mods and Modpacks on CurseForge - Enhance your gameplay with free mods that offer powerful tools for building and combat
上一幅图中点击左下角的Open shaderpacks folder就是打开装光影配置文件的文件夹,默认是在你的游戏根目录的shaders文件夹里。这是我文件夹内的光影包,你要下载的话网上搜就是了。搜索关键词就是Minecraft shader pack就行了。下载好之后可能是rar可能是zip也可能直接是文件夹,不用在意,扔到这个文件夹里就行了。
datapacks\StellarisCraft\data\dungeons_arise\loot_tables\chests\bandit_towers\bandit_towers_treasure.json 在 PCL.ModBase.CopyFile(String FromPath, String ToPath) 在 PCL.ModBase.CopyDirectory(String FromPath, String ToPath, Action`1 ProgressIncrementHandler) 在 PCL.ModModpack._Closure$__3-0._...
Of course, this modpack also has many mods and changes that improve the quality of life. The added Cold Sweat mod, on the one hand, slightly increases the difficulty of the game, and at the same time, after a large number of adjustments, the temperature of each group is more in line ...
Welcome to Interstellar Horizons! I'll cut to the chase. Interstellar Horizons is a mod-pack about space travel, exploration, technology, resource management & collection, and war! I mean come on, all this tech and you thought there wasn't gonna be any GUNS?
Distant_Horizons_server_data v1.8.2b Dec 8, 2023 XaeroWorldMap v1.9b Apr 26, 2024 asm/Cloudflared v1.9b Apr 26, 2024 cloth_local v1.9b Apr 26, 2024 config v1.9b Apr 26, 2024 datapacks v1.7.3a Sep 21, 2023 defaultconfigs
Have the game completely unlocked with our mod But if still find the in-game purchases annoying, you can get rid all of those by installing our modified version of the game. Just download theMinecraft Mod APKonour websiteand you can enable all the available features in the game. ...
Then, enter the name(s) of the mod(s) you would like to see in the modpack. Enter the name(s) of the mod(s) that you would like to be included in the modpacks Similarly, you can also enter the name(s) of any mod(s) you don’t want to see in the pack. ...
The currently available version for our Minecraft modpacks. Each of the modpacks below can be hosted on our servers. Eachpack requires a different amount of RAM that can vary based on the number of players on the server. Please make sure to choose a package with sufficient memory to support...