[MWC] Modern Warfare Cubed —— 现代战争方块化支持版本:Forge 1.12.2Red CoreMCMO百科:https://www.mcmod.cn/class/11515.htmlMixinBooterMCMOD百科:https://www.mcmod.cn/class/4010.html需要Red Core、MixinBooter作为前置作者:PaneedahMCMOD百科:https://www.mcmod.cn/class/10297.htmlCurseForge下载:h...
模组名称:Modern Warfare Cubed(Forge 1.12.2, 需安装 Optifine 及前置模组 Red Core.) 模组版本:MWC 0.1 Dev 14 模组下载地址:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/modern-warfare-cubed/files 为保证刚入坑的玩家也能对此模组有所了解,我将重新介绍MWC 这个模组。 为方便介绍,下文将会把维克的现代...
Mod LoadersView all Forge Categories Technology Armor, Tools, and Weapons Members bkgolden13Owner
Modern-Warfare-Cubed-0.1.9.jar Supported Versions 1.12.2 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects Forge implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:modern-warfare-cubed-836353:5936720") Copy to clipboard Curse Maven does not yet support mods that have...
This is a Modern Warfare / Apocalyptic Addon. The purpose of making this Addon is to make Survival / PVE / PVP better. Detailful Guns Addon completely used the new 1.16.100 items API. Now you can also use this Addon normally in multiplayer games. ...
所属专辑:我的世界解说之油条君 音频列表 1 Vic ’s Modern Warfare -Minecraft中的高级FPS模组 45 2018-04 2 各种各样的枪械mod 34 2018-03 3 Command _block 37 2018-03 4 World Edit 入门(指令)教程 45 2017-12 5 @呆罗//《我在我的世界建城市》 ...
现代战争科技MOD包 (Modern Wartech) 现代战争科技MOD包(Mordern Wartech)是一个专为Minecraft打造的现代战争整合包,集合了MCHEli和Viks Modern Warfare等众多MOD,为玩家提供了全方位的现代战争体验 。利用坦克、直升机、步枪等现代科技,为玩家打造了崭新的战斗体验 。此外,还包含了诸多提升整体玩法体验的MOD,如Biomes...
The Modern Warfare Mod offers a wide selection of different 3D modeled guns! It also offers a small selection of 3D modeled armors! Ever get tired of the classic diamond sword? Classic diamond gear? Is it just... not satisfying anymore? This mod offers a
The idea of this addon was inspired by Activision games, and the mod for Minecraft Java - Vic's Modern Warfare.Why should you choose this addon? This is one of the biggest, if not the biggest addon that adds 3d weapons. The addon receives global changes and updates. The author tries ...