TOP3.科技类——工业时代2 工业2作为《我的世界》科技类玩法的老牌模组,也是MC最为著名的模组之一。排入Minecraft MOD前3的位置,一点也不会让人意外。如果说红石可以改变Minecraft,那工业时代可以称为“改革”!工业时代2模组的核心就是两个:自动化生产、现代化生存。你可以在游戏中做各种各样的发电设备、机械...
1.19.2 You've got timeBy NoLifeKing85 | ModpacksExplore, build, and embrace the seasons with You've Got Time! A modpack blending quality of life improvements and favorite mods. 1.20.4 WaystonesBy BlayTheNinth | ModsNavigate your...
Train lovers will enjoythis modthat gives you old-fashioned trains, armored locomotives, tracks, switches, and everything you need for your own railway system. The fun comes from not only adding your trains, but building the track, which requires a working knowledge of the terrain and the ri...
Top ten Minecraft mods 2024 1. Optifine 2. Thaumcraft 3. Mine and Blade: Battlegear 2 4. Minecraft Comes Alive 5. Galacticraft (fun minecraft mod) 6. Aether II: Genesis of the Void 7. Portal Gun 8. Pixelmon 9. Buildcraft 10. TerraFirmaCraft How to Install Minecraft mods and patches ...反复复-HTTPS:// / ...现实物品掉落-HTTPS:// / ...夸克- / ...门户枪-HTTPS:// / ...Pixelmon -的PAM Harvestcraft -HTTPS:/...
mcbbs搬运贴: One Probe(探测,TOP)1.7最流行的信息显示模组waila在1.10的代替品,游戏开始会送一张纸,也可以自行合成。在这张纸上,你可以调整是否需要模组提供的探测器进行信息显示,一般设置“not needed”(不需要)就可以直接查看物体信息了。这个...
检测器(TheoneProbe)Mod是一个比WAILA(高亮信息拓展)更为拟真的模组。信息提示框只有在你手中拿着检测器时才会显示(也可调整为像WAILA一样一直显示)。 这个模组用于在屏幕上显示关于你看向的方块或实体的信息,但只会在你拿着检测器(或空手)时才会显示。该模组自身能够显示像方块名称、方块来源模组、挖掘所需要的...
Take a stroll over to the dark side with the Vampirism mod. This mod offers you the chance to become a full-fledged creature of the night or to become a Minecraft Van Helsing and hunt down every bloodsucker you can How Vampirism Makes the Game Fun: ...
3. MrCrayfish’s Furniture Mod: Refurbished 4. Macaw’s Bridges 5. Chisel & Bits Adventure and exploration mods 1. The Aether 2. Epic Dungeons: A Roguelike Journey 3. Pixelmon Reforged 4. The Twilight Forest 5. The Lost Cities Technology and automation mods ...
盘点Minecraft PE端(手机版) mod中的最强Boss! top.3究极泰坦溺尸 最帅的泰坦,小编最喜欢的生物之一😍,它有三个形态,第一形态有100万血量,1万攻击力,当第一形态血量用尽时,他会开启第二形态“错乱溺尸”伤害翻10倍!自带锁血,但是生命值只有1,会播放一段背景音乐《Battle Again A True Hero》,当他再次承受...