Download - latest version(Modinstaller 5.1.0) Suited for Minecraft (Modloader) 1.11.2 - 1.4.5- Forge Support: 1.11.2, 1.10.2, 1.9, 1.8.9, 1.8, 1.7.10, 1.7.2, 1.6.4, 1.5.2 -Show older versions© 2012-2022 | Imprint Facebook Support Propose Mod ...
ModInstaller 1.2 全新发布!1.各项细节设置!让用户体验上升!2.(重磅)增加Coremod安装模式,使用Coremod安装模式,就可以安装依附Forge的Mod!(如小地图和NEI)突破ModInstaller只能安装小部分Mod的限制!下一步准备推出Fantasy模式,专门用作TMI之类的Mod安装!详情请见Readme.txt!3.增加颜色! 本楼含有高级字体21楼2014-...
5.选择欲架设服务器的版本,点击Download进行下载6.将已下载的文件放置到一个空文件夹(后面称这个文件夹为安装目录)7.安装Forge Server(此步为Sponge Forge所有,Sponge Vanilla跳过)双击Sponge Forge文件查看基于Forge Server的版本(标注的地方)安装相应的Forge Server将Sponge Forge放置在mods文件夹里,作为一个MOD使用(...
Installation Instructions (without Modinstaller) Forge Mods Open the new launcher and make sure the version of Minecraft the mod requires is already installed. Download the Forge-Auto-Installer compatible to your Minecraft version Install the Minecraft Forge using the Auto-Installer Download the Mod "...
After the installer has been downloaded, navigate to the download folder. Right-click the installer file, go toOpen with, and selectJava. TheMod System Installerwindow should appear. SelectInstall clientand pressOK. A confirmation dialog box will appear shortly after, signifying the successful insta...
A fast, reliable and cross-platform command-line Minecraft launcher and API for developers. Including fast and easy installation of common mod loaders such as Fabric, Forge, NeoForge and Quilt. pythoncliminecraftfabricforgelauncherminecraft-launcherpython3quiltneoforge ...
How To Download OptiFine Step 1: Scroll down to our download section (located below this tutorial) and click on “Download OptiFine HD Mod”. You will be redirected to the official website, where you can download everything. Step 2: Locate an OptiFine version. Click “Show all versions”...
6、将mod文件放入mods文件夹即可 软件亮点 1、MCPE资源包/纹理包安装程序:我们拥有来自Minecraft Java版的所有著名纹理,例如Soartex Fanver、Ozocraft、Jolicraft、JohnSmith..带有逼真的着色器、纹理和照明。 2、MCPE Skins Installer:我们安排了几个类别,如电影角色皮肤(悟空、火影忍者、佐助...)、游戏皮肤(弗雷迪、...