在《我的世界》游戏中,精致存储(Refined Storage)是一个用于管理、储存和制作各种物品的强大模组。以下是一些关于如何更好地使用它的建议:1. 基础操作:首先你需要了解基础的界面和操作。在终端中打开精致储物,你会看到一个类似网格的界面,每个格子都可以放入或取出物品。你可以用鼠标点击和拖拽来进行操作。同时也可以...
We are working on Refined Storage for Minecraft 1.21.1! Refined Storage 2 is the evolution of Refined Storage 1 and will replace it. Read more here. Refined Storage is a mass storage mod for Minecraft that offers the player a network-based storage system, allowing them to store items and ...
This mod not only adds storage solutions, but also devices that can be used to manipulate items and blocks in the world and from within the system, such as importers, exporters, constructors, destructors, and more! There are also devices in this mod that allow the player to set up auto-...
Refined St..最近玩了天空工厂3才知道这个mod 简直跟ae一模一样 这难道没什么问题吗固有领土https://www.mcmod.cn/class/691.htmlhttps://www.mcmod.cn/class/87.html有没有人啊来人顶个肺
与易于制作的存储模组结合,以及我们中的囤积者:Refined Storage和Storage Drawers 。添加了一些QoL模组,比如Advanced Peripherals和CC:Tweaked 。,Clumps用于将那些经验球聚集在一起 。Crash Utilities用于发现问题 。在未来版本中可能会添加减少实体数量的功能(但这需要一些测试) 。其他功能:,大多数包含了MineColonies的...
Refined Storage The base of all storage and item related things. It also is mainly needed for large craft jobs, as it can become very tedious, crafting everything over and over again. Refined storage is introduced very early in the modpack to make item organization a lot easier. ...
自动汉化更新i18nUpdateMod https://www.mcmod.cn/class/1188.html JEI扩展JEI Integration https://www.mcmod.cn/class/2077.html 现代化 UIModern UI https://www.mcmod.cn/class/2454.html(此mod高版本不支持JAVA8,建议使用2.5.0.85版) 科技类: ...
精致存储 Refined Storage Mod由作者“raoulvdberge”所制作,为物品和液体等提供了大容量存储模块,并允许进行网络连接。 该mod是一款大容量存储MOD,增加了一套基于网络的存储系统,允许玩家加物品或者液体在可大规 … 阅读更多 » 我的世界1.18.1-1.9.4循环 Cyclic Mod下载 2021年12月11日 MOD大全 0 循环...
该整合包包含诸多MOD,包括:, ProjectE Tinker’s Construction RFtools Draconic Evolution Ex nihilo Refined Storage 还有其他许多MOD 顺便一提,任务书是德语的 。整合包名称:SkyTech 2023 支持的版本:1.12.2 作者:leif_119 类型:整合MOD包 ... SkyTech 2023 (天空科技 2023)sodamc.com/23574-12040910.html...
Optifine is currently incompatible with Forge for Minecraft 1.19.2 This has been reported to Optifine: sp614x/optifine#7127 Refined Storage is not the only incompatible mod! Applied Energistics and Mekanism are other examples of incompat...