MemoryLeakFixA mod that fixes multiple memory leaks in minecraft. Both server-side & client-sideFor the best performance & memory usage, I recommend using this mod with:lazydfu - Makes startup much faster by not loading DFU until needed, also saves on memory lithium-fabric - The best gener...
This mod is designed to fix various memory leaks from mods, Minecraft and (Neo)Forge. Many players suffer from playing their modded modpacks and eventually needing to close the game or crash after some time. This is a classic symptom of memory leak. Our goal is to make it as much stable...
Memory Leak Explanations: MoreCulling- Client-side blockstate culling optimization Carpet-Fixes- Largest Server-Side Bug fixing mod Blanket- Client-side tweaks/fixes Feel free to contribute to the project!
内存优化可以使用FerriteCore和Memory Leak Fix,可以有效降低游戏的内存使用。游戏效率优化可以使用Lithium和...
4. 对照MCMOD百科,对名称可疑(例如包含ui、hud、menu等词汇)的模组下手,检查是否为仅客户端模组,如果是则删除 5. 闭眼祈祷,并启动服务端 本以为能轻松秒杀,经历几波报错和来回检查后,我眉头一皱,发现事情并不简单。 于是不得不把目光再次转向日志。
最好带个铁氧体磁芯和memory leak fix (不推荐铷,因为铷这玩意不支持信雅互联,而且也总容易出...
Skipping mixins.iris.compat.sodium.json:vertex_format.MixinFluidRenderer from mod iris->@Redirect::iris$fixSidewaysInnerFaceNormal(Lme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/model/IndexBufferBuilder;ILme/jellysquid/mods/sodium/client/model/quad/properties/ModelQuadWinding;Lnet/minecraft/class_1920;Lnet/minecraft...
Bell Biv Devour (written specifically for this modpack) Colormatic CombatEdit Damage Tilt Dashloader Don't Clear Chat History Fabric Language Kotlin FerriteCore Hunger Remover Indium LazyDFU Memory Leak Fix Mod Menu No Telemetry Nostalgic Tweaks ...
添加并且配置了以下mod: Boat Item View Bobby (仍需配置) Chest Tracker ClickThrough Client Commands Debugify Enhanced Attack Indicator EntityCulling Where Is It wthit(仍需配置) 仅添加但未配置以下mod: Carpet TCTC Addition Krypton Language Reload Language-Loader-Fix Memory Leak Fix MiniHUD-Injector Mo...