Ice and Fire aims to bring to you a revolutionary dragon experience. We allow role players and mod pack makers to have access to all the basic and advanced needs of a dragon hunter and tamer role. These include: Dragon skeletons - these can be found in desert biomes and can be used to...
The mod also adds a Creative-only Godly Dragonseeker, with a 300-block range and a 0% error chance. It'll print the exact distance to, and coordinates of, the nearest dragon in the chat.
Ice and Fire: Dragons features over 40.2 million downloads and spans from version 1.10.2 to 1.16.5 at the time of writing. The mod is owned bysbom_xela, authored byjavaraptor, and hasTheBv_as a contributor. Whether you are a dragon hunter or tamer, Ice and Fire aims to bring a rev...
New DRAGON At Monster HIGH SCHOOLIn Minecraft! 21:31 The BIG FIGHT At Monster HIGH SCHOOLIn Minecraft! 21:45 Turning into DARK APHMAU in Minecraft! 18:02 Turning into EVIL APHMAU in Minecraft! 18:58 Using The DATING MOD In Minecraft! 24:28 Using The TIKTOK MOD In Minecraft! 20...
New DRAGON At Monster HIGH SCHOOLIn Minecraft! 21:31 The BIG FIGHT At Monster HIGH SCHOOLIn Minecraft! 21:45 Turning into DARK APHMAU in Minecraft! 18:02 Turning into EVIL APHMAU in Minecraft! 18:58 Using The DATING MOD In Minecraft! 24:28 Using The TIKTOK MOD In Minecraft! 20...
光影材质mod全干掉才发现是游戏本身问题,,那么问题来了,为什么我从没听说过1.12.2居然这么卡 截图分别是1.7.10与1.12.2fps,纯净版都差了3倍,一样的画面设置,基本配置是8700k+1070ti,求解到底是什么原因 分享618 minecraft吧 Sun_12357 【教程&录播】服务器1.12.2科技生存1.12.2forge版本也很久了,mod数量都追平...
我的mod: 服务端就加了更多的弓 然后有一个原版模组数据包(删掉这个数据包就可以正常加载地图,但 分享322 我的世界吧 teddy20070914 【后排发布】我的世界一些启动器下载不到的历史版本哈喽,第一次发表帖子,有点...那我们开始吧 分享315 minecraft吧 从不水贴♂ 冰与火之歌(Ice and Fire) 2.0 1.15.2电龙...
This app is VERY good, and there are many fun mods that I got for my minecraft worlds and what not- just one problem. Before I downloaded the app- I checked the little pictures of what it has to offer- and one of them shows dragons from the fire and ice mod that I wanted for YE...
I find it sad since this mod is very good for survival and I think it's a very good mod. 🧡 1 Cocoa Warrior January 25, 2025 at 12:48 am Yes I do plan on more updates The next change will be to update to the new block tags Then maybe more monsters or to improve some ...
File Name iceandfire-2.0.0.jar Supported Versions 1.15.2 Changelog Additional Files Related Projects -Updated mod to 1.15.2 version of Minecraft -Added lightning dragons, new nocturnal dragons that spawn in savannas, jungles and mesas -Added lightning dragonsteel block, items, tools and armor -...