# If true iron pickaxe can destroy blocks from mod like armoured hammer (default false). B:IronPickaxeCanBreakBlocksToo=false # Resistance of blocks (default 800). If you want TNT to destroy blocks set less than 30. D:Resistance=800.0 ...
物品展示框(Item Frame)是一種可以把物品或方塊放在其中展示的實體[僅JE]或方塊[僅BE]。 螢光物品展示框(Glow Item Frame)是物品展示框的增亮變種。 螢光物品展示框不會生成在世界中。 終界船的寶藏室中會生成一個物品展示框,裡面放著鞘翅。 腳本錯誤:您必須指定要調
蘑菇方块(Mushroom Blocks)是一类组成巨型蘑菇的固体方块,共有3种:红色蘑菇方块(Red Mushroom Block)、棕色蘑菇方块(Brown Mushroom Block)和蘑菇柄(Mushroom Stem)。 蘑菇方块作为巨型蘑菇结构的一部分生成。 蘑菇方块的物品形式只能通过使用具有精准采集的工具
Samples JSON 複製 "minecraft:digger": { "minecraft:digger": { "use_efficiency": true, "destroy_speeds": [ { "speed": 6, "block": { "tags": "query.any_tag( 'wood' )" } }, { "block": "minecraft:coal_ore", "speed": 2 } ] } } 意見...
On a survival or private server, it’s essential to hide your base by building underground, disguising it with natural blocks, or using a combination of traps and hidden entrances. Additionally, using ender chests, shulker boxes, or secure storage systems can help prevent item loss in case of...
Blocks and Items: Corruption: ↸ᔑ∷ꖌ ᔑリ↸ ᒷ⍊╎ꖎ ᒲᔑℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ ᒷ∷ Sarcophagus: a final resting place now turned into storage space. Coffin: a final wooden resting place in all wood variants. Glazed Urn: a beautiful ornated urn, that serves as storage...
Returns true if this block is a liquid block - (e.g., a water block and a lava block are liquid, while an air block and a stone block are not. Water logged blocks are not liquid blocks). Type:boolean Notes: This property can throw errors when used. ...
import{ BlockPermutation, DimensionLocation }from"@minecraft/server";import{ Vector3Utils }from"@minecraft/math";import{ MinecraftBlockTypes }from"@minecraft/vanilla-data";functionaddBlockColorCube(targetLocation: DimensionLocation){constallWoolBlocks:string[] = [ MinecraftBlockTypes.WhiteWool, Minecraft...
These biomes include everything from lush forests and eerie swamps to barren deserts and frozen tundras. Each biome is filled with unique flora and environmental features, creating a more immersive world. The mod also introduces new decorative blocks, plants, and building materials, giving players ...
Blocks 'deactivating' (Door closing, Chest closing, Button unpressing, etc.) 方块「取消激活」 (门关上、箱子关上、按钮复位等) Blocks 'activating' (Door opening, Chest opening, Button being pressed, etc.) 方块「激活」(门开启、箱子开启、按钮激活等) Blocks changing (Cauldron water level rising,...