Mod Support: Ore mods that theBorderversion supports[Continuity required]: Werewolves Create Mekanism Ore mods that theDefaultversion supports: Werewolves Create Cobblemon Oh The Biomes You'll Go Infernal Expansion Note: Resource pack works on basically any version higher than 1.17 in case the depend...
-Emissivo border ores-afecta a los pixeles de los ores y añade un borde del color deel ore -Glow ores -Añade un borde como si los ores tuvieran el efecto de glowing ENGLISH Now all ores will glow in the dark, perfect for when you don't have torches to illuminate, and This ...
Glore is a mod that adds glowing ores and armor trims. You can adjust the configs to make any block or armor trim material emit various levels of light. Brightness Blocks Diamond Ore: 15 Emerald Ore: 12 Gold Ore: 10 Lapis Ore: 7 Copper Ore: 7 Iron Ore: 4 Coal Ore: 4 Redstone Ore...
Find the best Minecraft Mods and Modpacks on CurseForge - Enhance your gameplay with free mods that offer powerful tools for building and combat
Or random exploding levers: Or even encasing you in glass or several layers of stone! There is another benefit to this mod that the Mysterious Ore can be smelted into Strange Glowing Shards. These can then be crafted into new glowing tools!
[21:59:04 INFO]: Replaced 182 ore recipies[21:59:04 INFO]: Completed early MinecraftForge initialization[21:59:04 INFO]: Searching F:\MC1.7.10\FWQ\mods for mods[21:59:04 INFO]: Also searching F:\MC1.7.10\FWQ\mods\1.7.10 for mods[21:59:06 INFO]: Forge Mod Loader has identified...
CamelOre<Methuselah96>(N种新矿 N种新物品 N种新动物, 最烦的就是这种没有重点的MOD了...)You ...
A mod to replace glasses for more fun and more colorful glasses. This mod can also be used on other resource packs. By default the ores are realistic and do not emit light, but there is a mod to make them glow and a mod to put the ores in the glowing vanilla minecraft style. The...
(深层钻石矿石Deepslate Diamond Ore ) 绿宝石矿石Emerald Ore- (深层绿宝石矿石Deepslate Emerald Ore ) 下界石英矿石Nether Quartz Ore 远古残骸Ancient Debris 材料 爆裂紫颂果Popped Chorus Fruit 下界合金碎片Netherite Scrap 下界合金锭Netherite Ingot
Floating crystals and Glowing Grape plants Fixed If YOU find any glitches please report them in the comments or on Discord Credits Thank you ExDrill for being the artist 👍 Thank you Chikorita Lover for some ore textures go follow his Twitter! Thank you Gekocaretaker#6739 for main development...