About this mod Replaces a few songs and sound effects with ones from Minecraft. Share Permissions and credits Right now, only a few sounds have been replaced, but more will be added in the future (including enemy sounds). Some are also a bit quiet, which I plan on fixing. Also, it'...
this being your last in dark souls 3 makes me very sad but also exicted for your future in dsr !! but this is a very fitting end for your ds3 career, a variety of everything and fantastically edited as always by you, nep!Okami:”only you can do this,elder."iamamish:"Your ...
Members GamerPotionOwner Report (Dont mess with Polar Bears!) Get a server today and play with your friends! ClickHEREor below banner & Use CodeGAMERPOTIONto get 25 off!
[1.18.2]我的世界黑魂模组之黑暗之魂v0.4.0众神传说汉化版更新介绍(附下载链接)/我的世界JAVA版模组介绍/我的世界Dark Souls Mod 合集·【SAFE3派生归结】大型PVE剧情向基岩版整合包(地图)实况解说 3 播放全部 更多 14:09 【我的世界】大型PVE整合包SAFE3派生归结实况解说EX1:模拟系统竟出现扭曲?
Creator: Darkhaxc - modular liquid storage mod - upgrade durability and capacity 74 Personal Effects 18 votes Creator: The_Wabbit - items safe if killed - upon death all of you inventory is transfered to your shulker box - peace of mind while exploring 75 Luck Of The Straw 19 votes Cre...
For a mod list excluding Xaero's Minimap and AmbientSounds (non Curse mods) look in the Relations tab. Introduction Video: Server Downloads:http://repo.getmodding.com/server-downloads/Craft-Souls
all weapons have compatibility with epic fight mod. (+weapon trails) [about armors] Dark Souls and Elden Ring-inspired armors are added in bulk. The armors are also balanced for vanilla. [about monsters] Unique and terrifying monsters are added. ...
[1.12.2]我的世界降世神通2突破冰山V1.6.2汉化版更新介绍(附下载链接)/我的世界JAVA版模组介绍/我的世界Avatar Mod 2: Out of 44962022-12-30 09:05 [1.18.2]我的世界黑魂模组之黑暗之魂v0.4.0众神传说汉化版更新介绍(附下载链接)/我的世界JAVA版模组介绍/我的世界Dark Souls Mod ...
The biome tags "tombstone:has_structure/abandoned_grave_land" and "tombstone:has_structure/abandoned_grave_ocean" allows to edit the available biomes (with a datapack or a tweaker mod). The equipement loots can be configured with the 3 item tags: "tombstone:lootable/armor", "tombstone:lootable...
Souls Minecraft 1.12.2ChaosTheDudemore info The Souls mod is an inventory storage mod that holds your items in an enemy mob (soul) that you have to fight in order to reclaim your items. Once you die, the... Minecraft Gargoyles